Would getting married completely mess up my government benefits, such as wic, medicaid, unemployment, etc?

Chris is talking about getting married sooner now that weve got another little one on the way, but im afraid it will cancel out my medicaid for this pregnancy and other things im currently getting assisstance with.

Answer #1

I know this doesnt answer your question, but i thought you didnt get benefits for being unemployed in america? u r from america arent u?? lol

Answer #2

Yes im in america - you get unemployment if you were laid off from a job, you dont get them if you were fired of quit though. The business i was working for closed down, thats why i recieve unemployment currently.

Answer #3

I suggest phoning the medical aid. I’m not familiar with your system, but with us you actually get added benefits once you are married and usually the one spouse joins the others medical aid with almost immediate effect.

Answer #4

Some of it will depend on if you file your taxes separably or jointly. At least it did for my aunt and uncle for her unemployment. As for WIC I’m pretty sure it goes by you and your husbands combined income, but you should probably check with the WIC ppl on that one. I’m not sure on Medicaid.

I do know that before my Mother passed away - at different times, my parents were on WIC, Food stamps, Medicaid, and Chip. My mom was a stay at home mom and didn’t pull any income in so it just counted my dad’s.

You best bet would probably be to just discus it with the different agencies, and find out how they count a married couple as apposed to an unmarried mom.

Answer #5

This is from what I know, seeing my mom never married, she received WIC, and other benefits, I think if the house you live in is a 2 parent house hold with a steady income, you may not receive certain benefits, but I believe you will still receive WIC.

Answer #6

Your unemployment shouldn’t really be effected regardless of your marital status, but I think it’s possible that the rest could be. To be sure, I’d call up the offices that deal with each and ask.

Answer #7

I dont know anything about how things like this work in the US, but if it turns out it would mess things up for you, what about having the wedding ceremony, and signing the paperwork later?

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