How much does Kat Von D charge for tattoos?

I’ve always wondered that… I bet they cost a fortune.. that’d be cool to get tattooed by one of them. (not be on tv, though) lol

Answer #1

I found this online :)

“Well the shop is called “High Voltage Tattoo” the television show is called “LA Ink” and features only four of the MANY artists that work there. High Voltage Tattoo has several incredibly talented artists and there is a charge of $200 for every hour they spend on your tattoo. The accept walkins as well as scheduled appointments when they are not filming the television show.

Kat Von D has a minumum of $1,000 for a tattoo “

Answer #2

$200 isn’t that bad, but I’d better get one that took a whole hour lol so it’d be worth it… Kat can kiss it though, she isn’t getting $1,000 bucks from me.. that’s just crazy talk.. :D Thanks Ireney.. I’ve always been curious. :)

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