Questions & Answers

  1. Which divisions of Christianity reads the bible (parts of the Old Testament) NOT literally?
  2. what is the most awesome graphic game?
  3. does the college expect you to member what u learned in high school?
  4. which snake is nicknamed the "rat bomb"?
  5. Why are Brass Knuckles illegal but Guns aren't?
  6. Would you be offended if someone bought your child a toy gun for his birthday?
  7. does it make you shallow to dump someone for their wieght?
  8. How do I heal up my knee before next Tuesday?
  9. What is the simplest recipe with not alot of ingrediants for fried pickles?
  10. How do I download a email flip video to my computer?
  11. Does Anyone Know When Katy Perry Plans On Going On Tour Around The Toronto Area?
  12. Why does my chest hurt all the time?
  13. does Epiduo really work?
  14. Are there any other days/weekends that are tax-free besides before school starts?
  15. What is the normal pulse rate per minute?
  16. Can a UTI (urinary track infection) cause a miscarriage?
  17. What kind of body language attracts a women to a man and vice-versa?
  18. what is the best tasting way to cook turkey legs?
  19. What causes a mild heartattack?
  20. Could there be any other reason why im getting these weird food cravings?
  21. Do flight attendants always have to be like, barbies?
  22. Can you get a High School Diploma later on AFTER you get your GED?
  23. What kind of laptops arethe best kind as far as brands memory size?
  24. when u shave are u suppose to shave ur arms too!?
  25. whats you opinion of parents hiring nannies?
  26. is their a way to prevent cancer?
  27. how can i make cupcakes without using sugar or splenda?
  28. what is it in cranberry juice that makes it good for you?
  29. What are some of the best DIY Halloween costumes you've ever seen on either teenagers or other young adults?
  30. How often do you and your significant other argue?
  31. How do you stick to a diet when no one is supportive?
  32. Where can i get free xbox games off the internet without having to pay a registration fee?
  33. what is your favourite radio station?
  34. What all jobs/careers can you NOT get with a GED?
  35. What stops runny noses?
  36. Why would any company produce an OxyContin so strong that one single pill could be fatal?
  37. Who can tell me if i just burnt myself?
  38. What is anapropiate number of lip glosses to have when going into high school?
  39. Who knows where i can get free good dental care in central new jersey?
  40. why when i was five i would love to put skittles or m&ms in color groups?
  41. how come As soon as I walk into a spider web, I turn into a mental health patient?
  42. How long does it take to train a puppy?
  43. Who knows why i feel like this uncomfortable way around people?
  44. What do you think of Vancouver's new law banning smoking at public beaches and parks?
  45. Why are my parents so strict?
  46. Does anyone know what season and episode of The Office when Pam and Jim get married?
  47. How could having poor vision affect your pregnancy or baby?
  48. What do you think about people going into the porn industry?
  49. Should there be charges laid against people who fail to follow the rules when packing luggage for flight?
  50. What is WSOP?
  51. What things can trigger Asthma?
  52. is the tighter the ankle brace, the better?
  53. What is the percentage of making it in the air force pararescues?
  54. what do i do my friends mom saw that i was talking about sex?
  55. How do you deal with being short?? (5"3) :(
  56. how can i control to eat junkfoods?
  57. Does anywhere know where i can purchase just the adjustable straps that go heels around the ankle?
  58. can you be allergic to nuts but still eat peanut butter?
  59. Why won't my Limewire songs go into my iTunes anymore?
  60. what are the pros and cons of each military branch?
  61. how do i know if my parakeet is in labor?
  62. Why doesn't god just like, make everything perfect?
  63. What can help my legs from itching and burning??
  64. How to you block just one, & one only website on internet explorer 8 ?
  65. What are some good ways to organize a very small closet?
  66. how can i tell my mom i am a otherkin?
  67. What's the red flower called that comes around Christmas?
  68. what are some good names for a parrotlet?
  69. Do you think I should go on this field trip?
  70. Why is cell phone use prohibited in medical offices such as hospitals and clinics?
  71. What's the difference between Latina and Latino?
  72. Can you do dreads with fake hair?
  73. Would a screamo song be good if it was chopped and screwed?
  74. What did you where on your first day of school?
  75. Do guys generally run away from girls?
  76. Does anyone else have a dog that actually watches tv?
  77. should your discharge be liquidy or thickish?
  78. what does anybody put on/ have with there porridge?
  79. Can an oxygen tank freeze?
  80. Would you be with someone you were not physically or sexually attracted too?
  81. Why give God credit?
  82. who admire diana ross an why?
  83. What should I do if my horse, Jordynn gets pregnant and gives birth?
  84. do you really get being gay from one of your parents ?
  85. how can i cut my doggies nails without hurting him or without buying that little thing that spins and files them?
  86. What do I do if I think I have depression and nobody believes me?
  87. Is feeling feeling heavier a possible sign of pregnancy ?
  88. Does it count as munitpulation if someone keeps asking you to do something, you do it and they never do the same thing?
  89. What is the risk if a woman one or two months pregnant gets on a roller coster when she didnt know she was pregnant?
  90. Do you think that if we ever discovered intelligent life on other planets and we made contact, would the world be forced into one giant government?
  91. How do you deal with being tall?
  92. Do you think we need to boost technology to allow us to live on other planets as soon as possible?
  93. Do all the Disney World cast members actually LIVE in Florida?
  94. how do paralyzed people flatten there stomach?
  95. Is there anywhere i can buy the new UDPP besides online?
  96. do u guys think that ots OK to bully ppl!?
  97. What are American 'Grades' in school?
  98. Would it be a good idea to bleach my bra?
  99. what are the 6 strings on a guitar?
  100. What are your thoughts on women having elective Caesarean sections?