Would it be a good idea to bleach my bra?

It WAS white but as a lot of white clothes do its gone a bit grey I wondered if bleaching it would make it white and wouldnt irritate my skin at all, its only a cheap cotton bra so it would matter if it ruined it.

Answer #1

test a small patch first to see if it will work. if it does do teh rest. well ya know drop it in a bowl with teh bleach. after its white again wash it cus otherwise youll be a bit bleach smelly. but yeah dont bleach it and dry it and wear it.

Answer #2

Ok, eww I would have to wash it after I hate the smell of bleach lol.

Answer #3

Yes you can bleach it. Make sure to wash it before wearing it though or the bleach can irritate your skin. Im curious though…how do you wash your clothes? You say its turnd gray…do you not seperate your whites from your darks? If you dont you should start…clothes last alot longer and look cleaner when washed properly.

Answer #4

:). Yeah I do, its not like grey grey but like a dull white if you know what I mean I only noticed when I bought some new white underwear and looked at how bright white it was compared lol.

Answer #5

as long as it is white, sure.

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