What can help my legs from itching and burning??

I got out of the shower not long ago..and i shaved my legs..well normally my legs will get a little dry after i shave so i just put some moisturizer on them and they are all better..well this time they are itching SO BAD AND BURNING too..and nothing seems to help…i’ve tried extra dry lotion, aloe vera, and they are still itching and junk..anybody know what i can do to stop it..it’s driving me insane..

Answer #1

Did you shave with anything? Shaving cream, soap, enough water? One time I tried to shave without water OMG It felt like they were on fire :O I heard milk helps with the burning (milk on a cotton ball), but I haven’t tried it.. Or take another shower tonight before you go to bed..

Answer #2

i shaved with conditioner i was out of shaving cream…it normally dont do this..but come to think about it..i did use a new bar of soap to wash my body off with..but it’s only itching on my legs…wouldn’t that make me itch all over if i was allergic to it?..hmm
i’ve never tried the milk..almost afraid to..lol

Answer #3

I think the conditioner/body soap irritated your legs.. My legs are sensitive with what I shave them with..

Answer #4

sudacream helps or nappy rash cream the reason your legs are itchy is because you need to moisturise them . otherwise they get dry and itchy. aslo when your hairs grow back on your legs that causes them to itch so i would try waxing instead of shaving. n also certain fabrics could irritate them so try wearing lose cotton for bed.

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