Would you be offended if someone bought your child a toy gun for his birthday?

My cousin is throwing a hissy fit because our uncle bought her son a toy gun for his birthday. All the kids in our family had toy guns growing up and he didnt see the harm in it. He didnt know she was against them, yet she is still throwing a fit and upset. Seems silly to me.

Answer #1

not at all kids love toy guns like water guns and stuff or airsoft guns i luv those but i also dont have a kid… so wat do i know? :)

Answer #2

I wouldn’t be offended personally. My parents let us have toy guns as we were growing up. The kids I watch have tons of them, too.

If he didn’t know that she did not like it, it’s not really his fault. Hopefully it blows over soon.

Answer #3

It depends. If I made it known that I did not want my child having one what s ever, then I’ld be a bit aggitated(but would ot throw a hissy fit)t. However, if I didn’t, and someone jus bought a toy gun and I didn’t say anything beforehand, the nI wouldn’t care.

Answer #4

I understand where she is coming from. Personally I wouldn’t let my child play with toy guns as it puts the idea in their wee minds that you can ‘shoot’ something and it won’t get hurt. I think we need to make our children respect weapons and not run around the back yard firing at everything they see. Even if the ‘gun’ just makes a noise (no ‘bullet’), I still don’t agree with them. I read an article once about a little girl who found her dad’s (real) gun and shot her mum in the head because she didn’t realize it was real. I’m not saying that would happen (what kind of a parent leaves a gun lying around anyway!?) but I’m just saying, kids need to know not to touch some things. I agree with your cousin, but I don’t think she should be throwing a hissy. She could of just taken the gun off they boy, the gifter need not know.

Answer #5

when i was a kid we had toy rambo knifes… nothing wrong with it. if anything it should teach kids that real ones are ghey

Answer #6

No, in MY opinion, that is ridiculous. We played with toy guns, bb guns, water guns and all sort of other things when we were little. I don’t see what the big deal is. Buying your kid a toy isn’t going to all of a sudden make him a mass mur.derer.

Answer #7

I grew up playing with toy guns, my children grew up playing with toy guns…we knew they were toys. Does that mean I’m going to go off a shoot someone now? No. I don’t like guns. I don’t think people should be allowed to carry them, but I certainly don’t think that just because a child plays with a toy gun, it is sending them a message that it’s ok to kill people. Next thing you know, people are going to want to outlaw teddy bears because it makes children think that bears are friendly.

Answer #8

Well said.

Answer #9

There was a group of single mothers around 1978 who vehemently stated that they were NOT going to buy their little boys toy guns, because they didn’t want them to grow up being idiot males. Guess what? Around the age of 4 every single little boy ran outside, picked up a gun-shaped stick and yelled, “Bang, bang, bang!” The mothers discovered that it was an inherent trait in males to want to shoot things, play cops and robbers, army and every other game the kids could think up.

Answer #10

i dont like them. kids may find them fun but to me, the represent death. the represent killing someone cuz thats wat guns were made to do. im fine if ther water guns cuz those were made to giv out water, but regular toy guns are made so kids can pretend to kill eachother and things. i dont like them but thats just me.

Answer #11

dont see the problem.

Answer #12

def not no, its a natural part of a kids esp boys childhood, my son has loads of guns and hes a happy wee lad..this world has gone pc mad

Answer #13

Depends on the age. If it’s age seven then it’s different, and they don’t kill ppl. But if the child is young say three, they shouldn’t have it.

Answer #14

its fine to play with toy guns bears no relation surely to violence .I bought my son some laser guns when he was 7/8 my mum complained alot saying it was a bad way to bring him up.

Answer #15

Not offended but I would tell him/her not to bring it to school. I would especially not be offended if my child were a fan of Western movies or grew up in the West (like Montana).

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