Questions & Answers

  1. Does wearing make up really cause wrinkles?
  2. Why is it web cam's only work for a certain type of windows?
  3. Why Do I Not Care About Sex Whrn I Take Xanax?
  4. How long will it take the Republican majority to push for an Impeachment of Obama?
  5. Can I still get fingered and/or licked by my boyfriend if there is a 50% possibility that I have a yeast infection?
  6. How do dogs manage to pee so much?
  7. What are some really good cook books?
  8. Where do you plan on spending the holidays this year?
  9. How can I make Many cam work for Chatroulette ?
  10. How do I delete shortcuts off of my desktop?
  11. What kind of facewash do girls recommend for skin that has alot of blackheads on it?
  12. What are some good degrading man quotes?
  13. What is the problem when there is no power to the PC with the battery or the adapter being plugged in?
  14. What are some good dead beat dad quotes?
  15. is that possible to confuse a tomboy with a man?
  16. When will Seether release a new album?
  17. How do I clean out the bookmarks on Firefox?
  18. why wont my cousins xbox turn on?
  19. Is it true that someone posted pictures an videos on facebook of someone getting raped in bc?
  20. CAn anyone tell me anything about Factory Of Terror in Canton,Ohio?
  21. Where can i get cool music shirts?
  22. Who here can tell me about living in Kansas City, MO?
  23. How much would a Modern Warfare 2 edition xbox and Modern Warfare 2 prestige Edition game be worth if I was to sell it?
  24. Is it possible to have a flat stomach and still be considered "fat"?
  25. how can i stop myself from being tickled at school?
  26. What would you do if this was your dog?
  27. Should i feel bad for cussing at a doctor?
  28. Is the Haunted Hospital in Warsaw IN scary?
  29. does anyone still by their halloween costumes at walmart?
  30. What is your favourite Jacqueline Wilson book?
  31. What are some activities to do while immobilized?
  32. is a bunny inapropriate to be for halloween if your only 15?
  33. what am i suppossed to do if im athiest and im at a friends house and they make us pray at dinner?
  34. How do people say Amen?
  35. How can i stop my girlfriends neck from hurting?
  36. Does anyone know any japanese dance songs?
  37. how can i get rid of my back pain ?
  38. How do I search for a specific How To?
  39. How do I make sauteed apples?
  40. What would be considered a provincial newspaper article?
  41. how much money can you earn as a bartender per week?
  42. How do you get out of a massive lie without telling the truth?
  43. What is a good book to learn the foundations of Geometry?
  44. How to test for the presence of CO2 if the only apparatus you have are plain test tubes?
  45. What is it when you get a bunch of small red things on your stomache/chest?
  46. do people who work at resturaunts gossip about the customers?
  47. Can I take my pregnant poodle to groomers?
  48. What do you think would happen if all the members of FunAdvice who actively use the site were locked in a room together?
  49. is it possible to have to different animals as pets and mate them?
  50. What is the best english book that can help improve writing?
  51. Is it possible to have broken every single bone in your body (not all at one time) and still be alive, and walking?
  52. Why am i bleeding after fingering myself with a fat highlighter for the first time?
  53. should i mate my chihuahua after having a c section?
  54. Can i call a suicide line if i just want to talk?
  55. Why Am I Obsessed With Serial Killers?
  56. Whats a good size longboard for someone thats 5'8'' and would like to use just for cruising?
  57. Where can i buy LED lights for a longboard?
  58. Why Is My Mom Mad About What My Boyfreind Said?
  59. Are they going to do more series of unfortunate events movies?
  60. Why don't the schools where i live let kids wear the "i heart boobies" bracelets ?
  61. Why do people become teachers if they don't like children?
  62. How can I connect my ipod with my car(saturn)?
  63. Why do most magnet schools not offer sports?
  64. Why is the kool aid im trying to dye my hair with sooo ichy?
  65. what are the consequences that parents can get from mentaly abusing their child?
  66. How much money does the average middle class family make yearly?
  67. what is the absolute worst thing you've ever said to one of your parents?
  68. What do you do when you're bored in lesson?
  69. What are some things you say to yourself to calm you down?
  70. How can I get my little sister to stop copying me?
  71. What is the japanese internment about from a Canadian persepective?
  72. why cant i cry?
  73. Why don't more people like questions, answers, tips, and How To's on this site?
  74. How do I choose best answer for my question if I like more then one of them?
  75. what is a good website that cam help you draw cartoons?
  76. How do I make larger shoes fit?
  77. Where can I get a buy one get one DQ Blizzard coupon?
  78. How can I get lots of points on this site?
  79. Do you have to be a certain size to go in gymnastics?
  80. How do you record a make up tutorial?
  81. is it true the more u shave the thicker your facial hair will grow and faster????
  82. Is the saying "Nothing in life is free" 100% proven to be true?
  83. How long does your hair stay straight after getting a permanent?
  84. How do I learn how to do a cartwheel?
  85. whats the best way to crack your back???
  86. Does anyone know where I can extend my French?
  87. where can i buy a really cheap northface jacket inperson not online?
  88. What is it called when ur afraid of robotic things, such as halloween decor?
  89. where can i buy a wherews waldo costume or shirt?
  90. Can yu get an infection in your uterus that will make it thick and make your stomachs hurt?
  91. Do flat feet have an effect on performance in sports?
  92. What are effective ways to save money daily?
  93. is it ok to use a power washer on a car ?
  94. what are the effective ways to make my inner thigh, anal area and pussy lighter?
  95. Whats up with young people today?
  96. Do you think Edgar Allen Poe is a disturbed writer and his poems are creepy?
  97. Why would my family have used 30 MB more than we have in our plan?
  98. What is a quad like on your body?
  99. Why are my quads sore?
  100. Who reads Ted Dekker?