do people who work at resturaunts gossip about the customers?

evrytime i think about peopple working at resturants i always imagine all the employees hanging out in the kitchen and complaining and talking about us. i always think they say something like:omg see that guy right there?? he like totally just orderd 5 cheeseburghers!!! what a pig. or is that girl like annorexic all she wanted was a salad. or that guy is so annoying he wont make up his mind. or why does that guy alway look at every single item on the menue if he always ends up ordering the same thing when hes here? and do they like have a code or do they warn everybody when a regular walks in? like do they say things like omg so and so is here get out the chicken and 20 steaks pronto or make sure there is a lot of food cuz this guy always eats evrything. idk y but i always imagine it to be like that. but is it really?

Answer #1


Answer #2

I’m sure everyone gossips about someone at some point.

Answer #3

Totally do. I used to work in a deli and there were particular customers we would complain about often.

Answer #4


Answer #5

Sometimes I feel so grossed out by restaurants as I don’t know if they wash their hands or not. On my way to work I have to drive at the back area of some restaurants and the cooks and other employees are in the back behind the dumpsters sometimes all sweaty and smoking cigarettes.

Answer #6


Answer #7

Just like at any other job

Answer #8

They always talk about the people who wanted to order a happy meal when they aren’t a McDonalds.

Answer #9 daughter has just become manager at a restaurant and before that she was just a regular employee. she said that there was constant drama and gossip going on, it happens a lot if a bunch of women are working together. men are not as bad for gossiping.

Answer #10

I think it happens no matter where you work, especially if it’s a service job. There’s really nothing else to do..

Answer #11

Not really gossip, but we sure do talk about them. If you don’t want to be dogged behind your back from your server, be courteous and for god’s sake, leave a tip! We talk as much good about our customers as we do bad. Just remember that your server isn’t your slave, and all should go rather well. =]

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