Sex Questions

  1. Scared to lose my virginity
  2. whats a head job
  3. 16 and no period in 3 months help!!
  4. Am I pregnant or is my period late?
  5. Could I be pregnant under these circumstances?
  6. Why she in pain?
  7. What kinda crime is this??
  8. What does it actually mean to be a virgin?
  9. Do I pursue this relationship?
  10. Why do I miss him?
  11. I was cheated on, what do I do now?
  12. my boyfriend has changed, should I stay with him? :(
  13. Can you get stds from oral sex?
  14. Why can't I get sexually excited?
  15. How long should I wait to take another pregnancy test???
  16. I'm on BC but can I still get pregnant?
  17. I think I like girls
  18. Do condoms effect your body?
  19. Should I Have Sex With My Boyfriend?
  20. How do you go longer
  21. Husband troubles
  22. Is it normal to be sore after sex?
  23. The ever so sexy Eminem
  24. I have social anxiety!
  25. Could I be pregnant and still getting my period?
  26. Peeing like crazy after sex
  27. How soon can a pregnancy be detected?
  28. Sex and the City Movie
  29. Family Issues...Big Time...Any Ideas?
  30. Palin supported Buchanan. What does this say about McCain's choice?
  31. Can you get pregnant from not having sex?
  32. Whats a nice perfume that will make me smell good all day!!!?
  33. I got my boy friend locked up
  34. The right time to have sex so wouldnt get pregnant
  35. Pregnancy during menstruation?
  36. Can I get pregnant the day after my period?
  37. How would I go about telling everybody that I'm pregnant?
  38. can you get pregnant right before your period?
  39. Whats the chance of getting pregnant?
  40. 7 days late for my period
  41. Porn, Pictures, Masturbation
  42. A.D.D.
  43. Not having a period at age 17? What could be wrong?
  44. my ex and I broke up
  45. Why are most christians stuck up and when they first meet someone..
  46. should I go back w/him even if he isn't a good sex makes?
  47. Chance of being pregnant ...? .. Please answerr.
  48. drops of blood !!
  49. Can you "Pop your cherry" from masturbation?
  50. Do you think this is meannn?
  51. how do girls masterbate
  52. Weird thoughts
  53. If a guy did not come inside of me, could I still be pregnant
  54. Lesbian- help christians
  55. How to make a woman happy
  56. Some common things in a girls bedroom to masturbate with??
  57. I got raped
  58. Fingering items
  59. Know nothing about sex
  60. My mum and other guys.
  61. One night stand
  62. Issues with my mom
  63. Lesbian for almost 2 years now but no relationships?
  64. Homecomeing Bisexual Dancer!
  65. Scratchy vagina?
  66. Do you think hes using me?
  67. Do guys like gurls with natural curly hair?
  68. Could I have possibly had a Miscarriage?
  69. Why all guys want sex?
  70. What does he want?
  71. Way to sleep
  72. Chances of pregnancy
  73. The birth control patch
  74. Which are you?
  75. Ex best friend problems
  76. How can I prove to my mom that I'm not having sex?
  77. How to use nonoxinol pellicles?
  78. Is this rape?
  79. When can you find out your pregnant.
  80. One night stand or not?
  81. The ex boyfriend again
  82. Why Is Everybody Having Sex?
  83. can anal sex cause damage at all to your body?
  84. Birth control patch
  85. Pregnant? When can I take a test?
  86. Always have white gooey discharge in my underwear
  87. Trying to conceive
  88. History of the Alien creatures from the movie?
  89. Wondering about irregular periods after having a baby
  90. I dont know wats wrong with me! help please!
  91. I cant choose which girl!
  92. Bible pretty much not much of a believer of god
  93. Will they go to hell for being gay?
  94. Is there a chance of being pregnant?
  95. Survey by butterfly kiss3z
  96. What is it?
  97. Birthday present for boyfriend?
  98. Who is the Father?
  99. The Burning Sensation
  100. How do gays do this?