Will they go to hell for being gay?

I have 2 gay brothers and gay friends and they asked me to ask this question. Will they go to hell for being homosexuals?

Answer #1

“I agree w/nevet815, no1 is born gay, they choose 2b that way […] Homosexuality is a choice”

I’m sorry, did you miss the bit about homosexuality being frequently seen in the animal kingdom? And all the evidence that it is genetically and developmentally based, not environmental? Or is the evidence getting in the way of your prejudices?

Answer #2

Hell yeah!!

Answer #3

well unless they have asked forgiveness the moment before god come then yes they more than likely will go to hell my its not for me to say… you should ask a preacher or priest

Answer #4

omg, NO HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT A F*CKING SIN and the religious mongols who are so obsessed with it piss me the f off. all of you who said gays need to be forgiven in order to enter heaven, do sexually active non-marrieds need to be born-again virgins too?

Answer #5

No, because hell doesn’t exist, and neither does the narcissistic invisible magic man in the clouds (aka god) that the ancients believed obsessed over what we do naked.

Answer #6

No, he won’t go to hell unless he is a terrible person and does bad things to people (kills, steals, lies). For being gay or having gay sex? No. Everyone is allowed to love and seek love in any way they please. Peace

Answer #7

yes people are born gay. They dont choose to be they discover thay are

Answer #8

how is it that God that loves us so much would want us to live in despare over our sexual ID.

Answer #9

I believe sins are forgiven, and God has mercy- so I’d say no

Answer #10

I disagree with all responses. Think hard about this… God is not politics. He is the LAW!! So your thinking that because a homosexual is the nicest person in the world and helps others doesn’t mean he is not wrong. You can’t be playing politics with God, He made the rules and you know them, questioning it and trying to justify it is the same thing as weaseling out it… Only thinking your getting out of the problem when your actually aiding into it.

Have you ever heard saying ‘the path to hell is paved by good intentions.’ There have been numerous amounts of people who do this. Take for example that you thought you would help your friend out by not telling on him about something they did. It was a good intention to help your friend, but it was WRONG. It makes you and he a lier. (Not the greatest example but I am sure you get it).

The sole purpose of sex is to pro-create. That is it. Its not to be intimate with someone nor to show affection… You can easily do that by not having sex, so you cant say its a necessity to show affection or love, society made this one up.

Follow the 10 commandments and nothing bad will happen to you. Do not commit adultery is one of the commandments. Adultery is sexual pleasure outside of your vows to the ONE person you are married to. Thus, masturbation is a sin, sex outside of marriage is a sin, sex to someone you are not married to is a sin, all are sins… And to clarify marriage… The purpose of marriage is not just for love and for having a partner, but for pro-creation. You can not pro-create being homosexual. Look, we lemmings (human race) do not make the law, we don’t change it, and we don’t barter to change it. God’s Law is God’s Law. Its His way or Hell, no ifs, ands, or buts. He clearly stated it in the ten commandments. So if you think you can weasel out of something and get away with it, just remember your messing around with your soul and the God that made you in the first place. He knows you better then yourself. So if you have to question if it is wrong then it probably is wrong. Whenever I am correct I know I am correct I don’t question it, however, when I question something I am either wrong or I just need to research and gain a deeper understanding of the BIG PICTURE. And I do agree that God will be forgiving. But you wouldn’t jeopardize your life on earth, so why would you continue to do something that might jeopardize your eternity with God?

Answer #11

If a person was born gay , it would mean that God made them that way . If that were true , it would not be a sin, but a natural thing . The Bible never condemns natural things ! yet, in Lev. 18:22 and 20:13 it is called ‘abomination’,while in Romans 1:24-32 , it is referred to as ‘dishonoring the body’ & ‘vile affection’ ‘against nature’ & ‘ volitional ‘ The Bible never once contradicts itself , nor does God ever practice double standards.

Even thaose people who reject the Bible as God’s word– the evolutonist, for example must face the truth,IFthe theory of evolution was true , being born gay might occur once within a zillion years , But, if it did it would require a mistake in the DNA structure,,, and thw foul-up, simce it works against the very survival of the humanspecies. {Gays do not re-produce… they recuit} That gays would occur in ‘millions ‘ of people by chance in generation after generation is ludicrous as it works against nature. The Gay lifestyle is a matter of choice against both genes and conscience.. and can be stopped by choice as well. DNA structure is absolute . Any errors in its function is man-made when tampering with it .

Homosexuality is NOT the ‘unforgivable sin’ John 3:16 applies to every human being .. and Acts 16:30-32 is clear. ‘ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved’ when any person is in Christ , he/she is a new creature… former things pass away . The main question as always, is ‘What ye think of Christ ‘

Answer #12

The bible only says that a man shall not lay with a man, and that a woman shall not lay with a woman.

I dont agree.

I am one of the most religious people you will meet. Although the bible is gods word, it has been altered over the years and we must take that into consideration.

I used to thing that they would go to hell, but then one of my best friends came out to me. I was shocked, and even more shocked to find out that he hated it, and wanted to kill himself, and acctually tried many times. after that I realized that most people who are gay or bi, can’t help it.

I mean, no one can really help who they’re attracted to. I think that god wouldnt let that come in the way of their passage to heaven.

and my church agrees with me as well.

tell your brothers that if they are living their lives properly besides this issue that they have nothing to worry about :]

hope I helped, and dont listen to the people who say they will go to hell. I really dont believe that.

Answer #13

I agree w/nevet815, no1 is born gay, they choose 2b that way & it shud b condemned in society just like almost every religion 4bids it. There’s no explanation 4 liking your own sex in that manner… Homosexuality is like saying you want a pair of shoes that you already own, its greed & disgusting, diseases are also transmitted easier btwn gay’s.. Its more of common sense, girl + girl or boy + boy = nothing but insanity… oh & if your supposedly 4given 4 all sins just 4 asking 4 god 2 4give u, then why was religion made in the first place?? So you shud just contradict everything the bible condemns just b/c you can ask 4 4giveness & all is rite w/the world?? Thats absurd!! Murderers & rapists shud ask for 4giveness & go about their ways?? Cum on people, even if you don’t believe in god & religion, what good is it living a pointless life w/someone who functions w/the same hormones & body organs as u?? Homosexuality is a choice, & YES society shud frown upon it so it won’t proliferate quicker, but that doesn’t mean you shud disrespect them, it shud just b explained.. Its the only logical answer

Answer #14

Medical science is increasingly showing us that most people who identify as gay are probably gay from birth, or at least infancy. It’s probably primarily genetic, but it might have something to do with the levels of various hormones the fetus is exposed to in the womb.

According to “Gay Men, Straight Women Have Similar Brains” in “National Geographic News”:

“Gay peoples’ brains share similar characteristics to those of the opposite sex, a new study says.

Researchers found resemblances in the brain’s physical structure and size as well as the strength of neural connections among gay people and straight people of the opposite sex.

In some ways the brains of straight men and lesbians are on similar wavelengths, the research suggests. Likewise, gay men and straight women appear to have similar brains, in some respects. The findings are new evidence that homosexuals may be born with a predisposition to be gay.” . . . “Brain features such as the corpus callosum and amygdalae develop very early, suggesting they are primarily genetically determined, she said.

The latest findings “make it very hard to argue that these differences are a product of learning or environmental influences.” “

Answer #15

depends what you believe. my brother is gay, he likes guys, he kisses guys, he has sex with guys, and I love him to death. and I think thats such crap if you go to hell all because you are attracted to the same sex and you can’t help it. thats what I believe.

Answer #16

I personally think religion is pointless and corrupting people but according to a bible from what I found it says

“If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.” (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

If “God” were real why would he have created something that he hated in the first place?

What did God do during that eternity before he created everything?

he can’t be real.

Answer #17

nevets815: “the bible says that Homosexuality is more than just a sin. it says it is an abomination.”

“And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you. They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcasses in abomination.” Leviticus 11:10-11

nevets815: “it also says that whoever commits Homosexuality will be put to death.”

“If there is anyone who curses his father or his mother, he shall surely be put to death; he has cursed his father or his mother, his bloodguiltiness is upon him.” Leviticus 20:9

Answer #18

Theres nothing wrong with beibg gay. People fear what they dont understand, Those that dont understand homosexuallity fear it so they try to suppress it. It kills me to think of how many people are in conflict with their sexuallity cause socity says its wrong. Insteed of exploring and enjoying these things that would make them happy in their hearts they are in pain cause of what others might say or do. Homosexuallity is a NATURAL thing and shouldn’t be condemed on a cosmic level. It wasn’t placed here by Satan (if he exicist). but you know the christian rule of thumb (if it feels good…stop)

Answer #19

Umm…God forgives EVERYBODY. the ONLY unforgiveable sin, is believing that you are better than god or that he doesnt exist.

OTHER THAN THAT, all sins are forgiven if you believe in jesus.

Dont listen to these people, if anybody knows its me, my dad was almost a preacher one time, and hes knows a lot about these things. God doesn’t see it as right, but he also doesnt see disrespecting your parents right either, but they are forgiven.

That’s the wonderful thing about God <3.

Dont listen to the people who say such negative things, we are all gods children, even those who dont fully accept him yet (:

I hope I have helped you somewhat ; D


Answer #20

To the best of my knowledge, all the anti-homosexuality nonsense that some christians love to spout is based on the destruction of sodom and gomorrah, the citizens of which were according to the bible guilty of many things other than same-sex relationships. I’m not aware of any other passages explicitly condemning homosexuality, at least. People take out of the bible what they put in.

Of course, the whole thing is irrelevant, since there’s no god obsessing over what you do in bed and who you do it with.

Answer #21

it depends. If you are christian or wtvr, christians look at it as sinful and look down upon it.(considering they are very judgemental etc.) I have a gay uncle and all the people who I meet who are gay are the funniest and nicest people ever. I do not believe they will go 2 hell. In terms of religion, God should love everybody 4 who they are and as it is looked at as a sin, technically he should forgive them. hoped I helped somewhat!

Answer #22

No,, why would god put a woman/man on this earth knowing they will love and be with the same sex if he knows their going to hell because of it?! Being gay is like being gorgeous,, you cant help it its just natural. You wouldn’t go to hell for being gorgeous now would you?nope.

Answer #23

nope no such thing as hell. Christians say god is a loving and merciful god. why would he send people to eternal torture for sinning.

Answer #24

If a person was born gay , it would mean that God made them that way . If that were true , it would not be a sin, but a natural thing . The Bible never condemns natural things ! yet, in Lev. 18:22 and 20:13 it is called “abomination”,while in Romans 1:24-32 , it is referred to as “dishonoring the body” & “vile affection” “against nature” & “ volitional “ The Bible never once contradicts itself , nor does God ever practice double standards.

Even thaose people who reject the Bible as God’s word– the evolutonist, for example must face the truth,IFthe theory of evolution was true , being born gay might occur once within a zillion years , But, if it did it would require a mistake in the DNA structure,,, and thw foul-up, simce it works against the very survival of the humanspecies. {Gays do not re-produce… they recuit} That gays would occur in “millions “ of people by chance in generation after generation is ludicrous as it works against nature. The Gay lifestyle is a matter of choice against both genes and conscience.. and can be stopped by choice as well. DNA structure is absolute . Any errors in its function is man-made when tampering with it .

Homosexuality is NOT the “unforgivable sin” John 3:16 applies to every human being .. and Acts 16:30-32 is clear. “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved”
when any person is in Christ , he/she is a new creature… former things pass away . The main question as always, is “What ye think of Christ “

Answer #25

I’m 27 years old I have tortured my self with that question over and over again. Will I go to hell for who you made me to be? I looked for excuses to give to people and maybe even an excuse to give god for salvation a reason why. I know now that everything in my life all the pain and suffering, the good time and bad times are all for a reason…and that reason is if you love accept and ask for forgiveness through god he will love and cherish you for eternity. But first you have to accept yourself as being perfect…for he made you.

Answer #26

“God showed us his pattern in Genesis, One woman, and one man. for life. “

Don’t forget one snake, one apple, and no clothes. Clearly we’re not living up to God’s plan. Now I’m off to buy a snake and get naked.

“The bible was written as an instruction manuel.”

I’m having difficulty understanding all the ‘begats’. Where do they fit in?

Answer #27

and why?

Answer #28


No… it doesn’t…

Answer #29

Anyone will unless before they take their last breath, they accept Jesus Christ into their heart/life - Salvation - this being done, you’re Heaven-bound !!

Answer #30

No.. being gay is something they cant help, why should they go to hell for it?

(plus I dont bli3ve and h3ll)

Answer #31

if they continue to live in that lifestyle yes, but God is a forgiving God, but we have to go to Him and ask for forgiveness and change our ways of behaving. Tell them to pray for help to take this from them and pray for them as well.

Answer #32

“Even thaose people who reject the Bible as God’s word– the evolutonist, for example must face the truth,IFthe theory of evolution was true , being born gay might occur once within a zillion years , But, if it did it would require a mistake in the DNA structure,,, and thw foul-up, simce it works against the very survival of the humanspecies.”

What do you base those odds on? As we can see, there are many people with conditions or predilections that do not help - or actively harm - their reproductive chances. Even if we rule out those caused by disease, we are still left with many remaining - genetic conditions and the like.

Just off the top of my head, I can think of a couple of reasons homosexuality might persist even though it is harmful to an individual’s chances of reproduction:

  • Recessive genes. Although evolution selects against harmful genes, a recessive gene can persist in a population more or less indefinitely. Witness things such as color-blindness, or at the more extreme end of the spectrum, things like down’s syndrome.
  • Environmental and developmental issues. If someone’s sexual preference is not determined by their genes or the environment those genes create, there’s nothing natural selection can really do about it.

Here’s a good blog post discussing some of the theories of homosexuality vs natural selection: http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2006/06/evolution_and_homosexuality.php

“{Gays do not re-produce… they recuit} That gays would occur in ‘millions ‘ of people by chance in generation after generation is ludicrous as it works against nature. The Gay lifestyle is a matter of choice against both genes and conscience.. and can be stopped by choice as well.”

Unmitigated nonsense. You can no more choose your sexual orientation than your eye color, and I challenge you to show any peer-reviewed studies in reputable journals that say otherwise.

Can you also explain, please, how the many many examples we see of homosexuality in animals can be explained as “a matter of choice against both genes and conscience”?

Answer #33

Thank you all I am very well versed in the Bible and all the scriptures, On the other hand one of my brothers was molested by a family member and after being in therapy has accepted himself as being Gay.

So I went to my old missionary and was shunned out because I want to be a good big sister my point being they are good guys and I want the very best for them .thank you all for your input.

Answer #34

“The Bible never once contradicts itself , nor does God ever practice double standards. “

Oh, that’s rich. Here’s the short list of contradictions from the skeptic’s annotated bible: http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/contra/short.html

The bible is full of contradictions, and I’m pretty sure there’s some double standards in there, too.

“IFthe theory of evolution was true , being born gay might occur once within a zillion years”

I already addressed this argument in this same thread. Are you interested in a conversation, or just repeating your own discredited talking points?

Answer #35

God did not design man to lay with man, nor woman with woman. Period.

Mankind, pretty much does what they want to do, they continually flaunt their ways in Gods face, and because he is longsuffering, he allows this to continue. For a time.

God showed us his pattern in Genesis, One woman, and one man. for life.

Two whole towns were destroyed, when wickedness became very great. Man flaunting himself, in front of his righteous creator.

The bible was written as an instruction manuel. It shows us Gods will. We can ignore it, but, we will suffer the consequences, anyway.

God has laws, whether we want to believe it or not, and also, whether we obey them, or not. God gave man the right to choose, and he will never take that away.

However, God, reserves the right to judge.

And he is, and he will.

The choice is up to us.

We have today, we are not promised tommorrow.

Today, is the day of salvation.

Yesterday is gone, and tommorrow, might not come.

There are multitudes in the valley of decision.

What is your decision going to be?

As for me, and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Answer #36

God is merciful if they are truely christians then they are bound for heaven, being gay is wrong but so is stealing cheating and killing yet when I go to heaven there will be some murders and cheaters who gave there life to god and became christians

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