Am I pregnant or is my period late?

I had a period on the 13 july, unprotected sex on the 26th july (14 days after) I had a period 28 days later on the 9th of August. My next period was due on 5th September ITS NOW THE 7TH sEPTEMBER. Since the 4th September I have had very mild cramps, a little bit of back ache like my period is due to start. I have even take pain killers thinking my period was due to start (not wanting cramps) last night after going to the toilet my discharge was slightly coloured so I thought here goes, my period is here. Since last night NOTHING and I still feel as if my period is going to start any second (as I have have done for the last couple of days)

AM I PREGNANT OR IS MY PERIOD JUST LATE… my period is normally always 28 days - HELP

Answer #1

You should not have unprotected sex…That’s begging for a pregnancy.

It’s possible you are pregnant, some women get their period even though they have their period.

Your stressing which also might make it late.

Calm down, and take a pregnancy test.

Answer #2

Try taking a pregnancy test- they are 99.9% correct, and results are done in about 2-5 minutes.

Answer #3

I doubt yur pregnant because you had a period since you had sex,use condoms,believe me its hard raising a kid on yur own

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