Who is the Father?

Who’s the Father?

In may I got my period around the 14th or 16th…me and my boyfriend were already having unprotected sex before and after. My period was over before May 23rd a Friday came around which was prom and we had unprotected sex that friday,Saturday,and Sunday …and that tuesday or wednesday I ended havin unprotected sex again with someone else…who would be the father?

Answer #1

IF you are pregnant the only real way to tell who the daddy is is to go and get a DNA test done. I suggest the Maury show. they do it for free. one will cost any where from 300 to 800 dollars. why would you even put yourself in that situation

Answer #2

but are you pregnant?? if you r your doc should be able to tell you which conception date , your so mean to your boyfriend for cheating on him geez

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