Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Could she be acting this way because we are starting high school?
  2. Does getting fingered for the first time hurt?
  3. How can I make my boyfriend understand he's overprotective?
  4. Should I tell him?
  5. What can I do about everyone knowing my secret?
  6. Why does nothing feel good down there for me?
  7. How do I talk freaky to a boy?
  8. My ex friend copied me?
  9. It is ok to date a single mom?
  10. Could this be why I'm freaking out?
  11. What should I do about plans with my friend?
  12. What is my boyfriend thinking??
  13. How do I get through to her?
  14. How do deal with us going to different schools?
  15. How to tell if he like's me enough to be his girlfriend!
  16. She said that sometimes she is bored with us
  17. Trying to get over the love spell
  18. Torn between 3 guys, what should I do?
  19. Is my boy friend using me
  20. Is it normal for girls to watch porn?
  21. What should I do about my boyfriend?
  22. Best advice you can give about realtionships?
  23. Thirteen? Love? Relationships? Ugh. -.- help!!
  24. Ok so I asked my crush out today
  25. Ex-boyfriend
  26. I have this guy frienddd...
  27. Worried About Friends...
  28. how to make my cum taste sweet
  29. Do you guys believe in the saying
  30. What should I do what would you do
  31. BFF just got dumped.
  32. Need to get back at him!!
  33. Is there any hope?
  34. Why is it that people sometime
  35. Why some people are mean
  36. Friends that were dating haven't spoken in six months
  37. Does he really like me
  38. I really want to get back to gether with my ex..
  39. Guys only
  40. my girlfriend wont talk to me
  41. boyfriend/best friend situation
  42. Horrible friend
  43. Should I give him another chance?
  44. Question for girls
  45. what would yu say is worst ... thretening or attitude???
  46. why is my boyfriend in jail acting distant to me and cold
  47. girlfriend flirting
  48. Mind says yes Heart says No.
  49. Should you date your beast friend?
  50. I like this boy but we dont talk much and he mad cause I have an ex
  51. So school is startinq & I need help
  52. Emo girls
  53. I don't know if I can trust her
  54. Do you think it's trashy to do stuff with your boyfriend in public areas such as parks or behind places?
  55. Start and Stop Fingering?
  56. Why is this clearish stuff coming out from my vagina
  57. What should I do if I hate giving bjs??
  58. Nicknames for partner
  59. Crazy in love..should I tell him?
  60. What Should I Say to Him?
  61. Should I talk to him?
  62. What shall I do??
  63. All of a sudden he got mad at me and said he hates me
  64. He is joining the army and going to iraq
  65. Me and this guy met camping
  66. Letter to her. Someone please answer im desperate
  67. What should I do for him. Please help!
  68. Did I do something wrong?
  69. Good way to plan
  70. Feeling Down
  71. his mom dont like me...
  72. How to convince my girlfriend that her fammily does hate me!
  73. Who believes in love at first sight???
  74. confused just a little bit II
  75. Confused just a little bit
  76. How to stop my girlfreinds sister from hating me!
  77. I like one of my guy friends
  78. Anyone else feel this way...
  79. Don't know what to talk about with boyfriend
  80. how to win a girl that plays hard to get
  81. Fingering her right
  82. please How to get up the guts to talk to a guy I like help please
  83. Unknown about the womans body
  84. Epic Fail?
  85. Asking guys out
  86. Should I continue to let this happen...
  87. What would you do if you were me? Relationship?
  88. I'm never gonna see him again
  89. Secert Lovers
  90. Should I change for him
  91. How to chose a lad that wont cheat on you
  92. Feeling Left Out
  93. Help with fingering a girl. :)
  94. Help asking a Girl out(What to SAY??)
  95. Help asking a Girl out
  96. Lesbians pregnant?
  97. Perfect life
  98. School starting , should I be single ?
  99. Embarassed or what
  100. He is 9 years younger than me.