My ex friend copied me?

Ok, sooo, I had this friend, and we got into a huge argument, and now we hate each other. And she completley copies me! I got highlights and lowlights in my hair, then she get them in hers. I wear skinny jeans and have layered hair, now she wears skinny jeans and got layered hair. she tries to act like a scene kid on twitter, but she sounds like a poser. Now, it seems like shes trying to be better than me. When she found out I was going to warped tour, she made an exuse of why she cant go (but I know her mom wont let her) then after we werent talking for awhile, I said something about the masquerade, and I spelled it wrong on accident, and she just had to correct me. She tries to start things back up after theyve already been over withh.

Answer #1

Who cares? She’s either trying to get to you (which is working) or she just likes the same things. Either way, have you heard imitation is the best form of flattery? Stop talking to her and she cant get to you…

Answer #2

OMG THIS IS THE STORY OF MY LIFE! I HAVE A FRIEND JUST LIKE THAT I buy skinny jeans= she buys the pair I was gonna buy! I hightlight my hair=she does hers I cut my hair= she cuts hers I dye my hair=she dies hers I get gladiator shoes=she gets gladiator shoes! I GO TO WARPED TOUR= She goes to this wannabe warped tour!!!

Answer #3

advisorssk: she starts things. I dont. when we get done arguing, she starts it back up! shes said things about my brother and my best friend to try to get to me. and shes not copying musicians, because right when I started wearing skinny jeans and all that other stuff, she does! she uses to be the most country, red neck I know. and when I starting getting into bands like all time low, she did too. she is constantly bringing me down because she wants to be better than me. also, before I starting getting into that stuff, she said she hated scene kids. so shes a hypocrit, too.

Answer #4

Is she really the one trying to start things? It sounds like it’s both of you. Remember that imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Also, consider that your inspiration for deciding to get your hair emo-ed out and going all retard scene (personal opinion) does not only affect you - but all of you kiddies out there trying this new thing. It’s not like you’re the only person in your school dressing like that and she decided to copy you. It’s the ‘popular’ thing, and many people copy that. It’s more likely that she is copying the movie stars and musicians who have made this popular than that she is directly copying you.

Answer #5

ignore it or do something she can’t its simple…just get creative with it

Answer #6

she is gelouse try to do a lot of things that she cant

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