Did I do something wrong?

Ok so I just started going out with my boyfriend we have been together for aboout a week. And when ever he says byr to me he says ily. But today he did not. I think he was mad bcz I did not talk to him after his football game. ,me and my friend just walked away. And ii think maybe he mmite b mad at me but I am I pver reacting. Or do I just need to give him his space? I am really freeked out about this. Its all I can think about. But am I over reacing? Thanks ~kelli

Answer #1

you shoudnlt hve just walkeed away from him without anything at all. that hurts a guy and makes him think you dont care about him. and that arund your friends your embarassed by him.show him youdo care and acknowledge him. that’ll fix things up. thats what guy like

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