Is my boy friend using me

Me and my boy friend were best friends before, we met in 7th grade (now im in 8th) he always grabs my boobs and then so does his friends, its weird!!! he kisses me in front of his friends which is kinda good but the same night he asked me out I made out infront of him to his best friend (It was awesome) he looked at me and left but we called him back over knowing we did something wrong (I was single then that happend like last week) and he came back and I started to cry I told him I know it was wrong and he said it was okay hes not mad but I dont understand that at all it was his BEST friend and I made out with him! :( so I told him I loved him so much he looked over his friend and smiled and he said I loved you too but after that they all walked me home I was still upset we got to my corner and I said I can walk home on my own they asked if I was sure I said yeah so I started to run home but charles (the one I made out with) yelled out my name so I looked back and yelled what he said wait up so I waited there and charles asked me if I wanted to go out with (ben) so I was sad but when he told me my face lighted up with joy and I smiled yes so he smiled and I continued to walk but ben ran threw a bush to get my attenchion and I looked back and didnt know charles already asked me and askd if I would go out with him I said yes again

and he smiled and thats how it all happend

but ever since we have been going out he has been touching my breasts all the time!

Please help me, Give me some advise, Boys & Girls

Answer #1

Thanks princexx thats GREAT advice :D

Answer #2

Well if he’s a nice guy and he was one of your best friends before you two started dating then can’t you talk to him about anything? if so just tell him to have more respect for your body, you dont mind if he touches (tell him to not allow his friends too) but also not to do it all the time himself… consider going on dates and make them special :)

Answer #3

I agree with ciara17 he doesnt sound like he loves or cares about you at all… in my opinion SOUNDS LIKE HE JUST WANTS SOME BREASTS TO HOLD ONTO


Answer #4

see that was so childish…that boy doesn’t love you and you should of never said you love him …a guy that loves you would of fought his friend for making out with you. I think you should leave both guys. they are not worth it. and be strong , don’t ever cry in front of a guy , that makes you look weak . and trust me him and his friend are laughing about it. when you get a boyfriend in the future don’t let a his best friend get in the middle and you shouldn’t be that close to his best friend. best friends are the reason a lot of people break up.

Answer #5

you could just use him back? lol

Answer #6

well boys have a lot of sexual urges. so he could just be horny :P

Answer #7

Thanks ciara17

but he is a very nice guy he is very very very caring

Answer #8

Look, you’re really young and kids are stupid. You say you were single when it happened with the friend, so maybe he just figured it was your decision, and once you felt bad about it and decided to be with him he didn’t have any reason to be mad. As for him touching your breasts, well of course he’s going to do it all the time if he can, he’s a teenage boy. If you don’t mind, no problem. If you do, tell him to knock it off. As for his friends touching, it’s a little weird if they do it in front of him… but again, buys are horny and curious. After the first time you let your boyfriend touch your breasts, he probably went and told his friends about it because he was excited, and they all talked about it. If they get to touch a girl’s breasts because of him, it makes him a big shot. It’s sort of lame, but jesus, you’re just kids, you don’t know how to act when it comes to sex.

If you giggle or laugh or playfully knock their hands away when his friends do it, they will figure it’s ok with you and keep it up. If you don’t want his friends touching you, the next time one of them does it look him in the eye and say seriously “That is not OK. Touching me in a sexual way when I don’t want you to is a sexual assault – a form of rape. I understand that you might not have known that before, but the next time you do it I will report you for it, and believe me you don’t want a sexual assault charge on your record for the rest of your life. Don’t do it again, and tell your friends not to do it either, because I’m starting to get pissed off about it, and you really don’t want to piss me off.” Then smile at him and tell him to have a nice day.

Answer #9

sometimes I just am horny, when boys are horny, we arnt in control, its like a whole nother side of use in reveled, we say and do stuff we wouldnt accualy do…

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