How to tell if he like's me enough to be his girlfriend!

Well I dated this guy when I was 14 years old…we lots are virginity to eachother… year’s later we met up, now were both 19 years old. I have such strong feelings for him all of a sudden, and he’s defiently matured a lot since before. he call’s me beautiful, watches the stars with me and tells me he’s happy that it’s me he’s watching them with, we talk about everything and everything together, he always wants to walk me home, when he’s on the phone he tells his friends that I’m his girl…but before he use to tell me he wasnt ready for a relationship, but now he says he might be…sooo 1.should I tell him how I feel about him? 2.what are some good ways of telling him I like him? (I would defenetly do it in person)

  1. does it sound like he likes me? 4.what other things should I watch for in terms of him possibly liking me?
Answer #1

IT DEFO SOUNDS LIKE HE HAS FEELING TOWARDS you and yhh you shud let him know how you feel about him 2 seems like you 2 share something special. you cud tell him how you feel one night when your watching the stars together awww so lovely

Answer #2

well come on girl when you first loose your virginity to a special guy he is always going to be in your mind for good and yeah it seems that he has grown up and he is ready to stay committed to a relationship good-luck

Answer #3

I say you just tell him that you like him, he obv has strong feelings for you too or he wouldn’t be saying this stuff.

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