Love & Relationships Questions

  1. where is there dad?
  2. What's the third one?
  3. where is there dad?
  4. better name. Greg or Roy
  5. is it weird to like a teacher
  6. umm boy probloms
  7. younger friends
  8. I dont know where a penis goes in my vagina
  9. do you think he might like me? (sorry its long)
  10. ex boyfriend bestfriend???
  11. love troubles, advice needed a lot please, x
  12. Boyfriend Presents.
  13. What kind of body type do you guys out there prefer?
  14. does my boyfriend still loves me the same
  15. Why is my cum clear
  16. Is there ever a good time to leave your boyfriend?
  17. I'm 13 and in love. HELP!
  18. Do you think its right for me to be annoyed at my colleague?
  19. Can friends with benefits turn into a relationship?
  20. can the 10 months boy eat yogurt?
  21. Why do I feel like people hate me all the time?
  22. my ex!
  23. Which one do I choose?
  24. What would you do???
  25. Should I tell him how I feel?
  26. somebody help me understand!? =[
  27. I got raped by my boyfriend
  28. I want to go farther.
  29. Why do I feel like this?
  30. Who has the better chance??
  31. my boyfriend tries to make me jealous
  32. ODST helmet??
  33. anger and strength
  34. Why do I feel so lonely
  36. Whats the right age to live together?
  37. should I tell him how I feel about him
  38. when will gay marriage come back???
  39. Why are men attracted to tacky fat whores?
  40. He has just gotta a girlfreind
  41. Should we move in together?
  42. How do I no if I cum
  43. Age advice?
  44. Would you tell them how you feel?
  45. What should I do in this situation??
  46. my 3 former friends are torturing the heck out of me
  47. Would you like a girl 125 pounds who was only 5 feet tall?
  48. help to understand a friend. Keep him or leave him?
  49. 12th grade girls and guys
  50. "Good" Pussy ?? :/
  51. College Apartments
  52. moment???
  53. should I go out wit him???
  55. Just meeting. Feeling it.
  56. how do I know if me and my ex should get back together?...
  57. Love Trouble!
  58. Fell for my bffs crush he fell for me ever happen to you?
  59. What if I tell my bff I'm dating her crush - my other bestfriend?
  60. confusing boys
  61. if you could ask him anything..
  62. fingering my girlfriend
  63. I feel ugly next to him how can I prevent this?
  64. Why do guys be mean to me.
  65. fingering your pussy
  66. Introduction
  67. is it wrong
  68. Stops the Texts!
  69. abusive ex boyfriend
  70. I like a guy that I'm great friends with!! What do I do??
  71. should I stop talking to him or am I fine?
  72. how can I learn to trust people before I push them away?
  73. what is snogging?
  74. what to get him for christmas.
  75. Why does my boyfriend act so uptight around me?
  76. WHAT DO I DO???
  77. what should I do with my feelings?
  78. you think I can get into art school?
  79. Some trouble, please help?
  80. Xmas should I let him go out
  81. Should I talk to him or leave him???
  82. should I get married at the age of 21
  83. Girlfriend is like ABNORMALLY shy
  84. left out! but why?
  85. frustrated pleasure
  86. I like this boy but he mate is telling me not to go out with him
  87. why did he call me?
  88. need help with perverted dare ideas
  89. What should I do? He keeps looking at me!
  90. Questions for a guy
  91. not over my ex, but like this guy...
  92. Kissing
  93. Creativity of love!
  94. Hickeys
  95. How I know if he loves me?
  96. What is true love??
  97. Will my Ex come backk.?
  98. Would my ex boyfriend come back ?
  99. 2 guys and I don't know who to choose
  100. Bad reputation.