umm boy probloms

so I like this kid he was in my lunch till he got kicked out but we didnt talkk all the much I could hardly talk to him but I no where he lives and his phone number I found it while looking up the pizza place and like should I call him??? what should I do say I don’t know

Answer #1

I wasnt looking for HIS number I was looking for the bars number

Answer #2

whole school

Answer #3

he got kicked out of the whole school ?? or juss your lunch period ??

Answer #4

dont call, he’ll think your a stalker… like accidentally bump into him in the hall and see what he says…

Answer #5

he got kicked out though :(

Answer #6

defiantly don’t call him what would you say if he was like “umm yeah? so howd you get my number?” oh I kinda looked it up in the phone book hee hee hell no. you cant tell him that he will think your crazy!! but you cant start out lying to him either! so just smile at him when you see him every once in a while say hi maybe compliment him on his outfit. break the ice you know let him know you notice him

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