Whats the right age to live together?

My boyfriend && I are considering moving in together, well actually we are the start of this next summer, but I have been kind of scared that things will not work out. I’m 16 && he is 17 && we both have too jobs && go to school. He goes to regular school full time && I am starting my GED courses online in December. I know that we have enought money to live together I’m just not sure how it will go because he has a LOT of friends that are girls that he would have over and I personally do not agree with boys being friends with there ex girlfriends when they have a girlfriend. && Did I mention that I am 2 months pregnant? Help!

Answer #1

To answer your question “Whats the right age to live together?” There is no right age. If you can financially support each other (1) and if you love eacb other and are really convinced things between you two will work (2) then you can live together.

If you are both serious about moving in together… from now until next summer… you have to save a lot of money. It can cost anywhere from $800-3000/month depending on where you live. So you guys have to save a lot. Also you may want to consider how much utilities will cost… electricity, tv, laundry, parking, your car(s), cell phones, also have some money in case soething happens like a car accident… or an injury for medical expenses. Also… money for food +going out money, etc.

Also… do you guys plan on going to college? If so, that will cost a lot of money.

Then… you have a baby coming.. that will cost a lot of money. a WHOLE new person that will need to go to doctors and have food and clothes and toys. when the baby comes you may want to consider paying for daycare (or your parents taking care of the baby when youre doing your online courses and need time to study)

So it you condisered all this… like you said you have enough money to live together…

nobody knows how it will go. It will be a risk you’d have to take.

Next.. you have to decide… why do you want to move in together?

Is it just because you’re having a baby together? What if something happens and you have a miscarriage when you don’t have the baby anymore? Is it because you love eachother and eventually want to marry one another?

Now… you mentioned “ he has a LOT of friends that are girls that he would have over and I personally do not agree with boys being friends with there ex girlfriends when they have a girlfriend.”

Do you guys trust each other? My boyfriend has a lot of girlfriends and it’s okay with me. Time will tell =] Whats wrong with having girls over? If he loves you and you love him, then whats wrong with that? I’m still friends with all my ex’s and my boyfriend is stil friends with all his x’s.

Both of you guys have to really sit down and talk about what you think it would be like living together before you guys really decide. Also, if possible… ask your parents for advice.

Hope this helps =]

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