should I tell him how I feel about him

I really like this guy at work, he rarely talks to me and when we does he says I bore him. should I tell him how I feel. but I am worried he may tell everyone at work. I can’t stop thinking about him. I have tried to forget him but I don’t know why I cant!!!

Answer #1

I have been trying to flirt with him for the last two months but still nothing!!!

Answer #2

You could tell him how you feel and then what if he doesnt feel the same back, you could be setting urself up for something veryyy dissapointing and embaressing I think you should flirt wit him. if he flirts back then take it slowly and build a relationship, before you tell him you like him when he thinks your boring.

Answer #3

if he finds you boring talk less and act more, I.e. dont blabber, fiddle with your hair, look at your watch, offer him a tea or coffee, ask him what he is up to at the weekend etc etc, if that doesnt work be straight up with him, if your feeling lucky.

Answer #4

he like you I can tell by his diss tell him how you feel then if he says he dosent feel the same then burst out laughing and say it was joke …

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