Some trouble, please help?

What do I do? I’m 19. My girlfriend of 2 years left me 3 weeks ago, im trying to get over it, but I cant. I miss her so much! she started dating another guy a couple days after. She was telling me she misses me, and this guy means nothing, but then it changed to he’s so great and she never wants to be with me again. it just bounces back and fourth. Her new boyfriend was trying to be tough, telling me to stop talking to her or else he’s gonna do something. So I was really angry, and told her some REALLY mean things(I mean really mean, hateful things). I’m not afraid of her guy in any way, I’ve seen him, he’s nothing. so when he was threatening me, ON a social site,(immature for someone whose 25) I was really mad.. I want to tell her im sorry, and keep trying to get her back. I dont feel like im myself anymore, and I feel empty and lost without her. I’m so IN LOVE with her, it’s killing me. but I FEEL like its hopeless, like she doesn’t care about me anymore. So that part of me just wants to give up… Does she really miss me, or is she just playing games? Should I say something and keep trying? Or should I just leave it be and move on?

Answer #1

.. I wrote like an essay on your questions.. but it errored me and I lost it all but basically.. from a females perspective… I did break up with a guy after 3 years.. he was going to propose ot me shortly and take me on a trip over the summer to visit and meet his family in another country… but I found I was looking for someone with a diff personality. He was my highschool sweetheart and I didnt know anyone else. Shortly after I did date another guy.. which lasted for 1.5 years and then another for 1 month and then 4 on and off for a month.. and then my most current for the past 4 months.

Honestly, it is best to move on my x…

after about 3 years… still loves me he always will and I’ll always love him… but it grew into a diff kind of love. Of respect and friendship.

We spoke on and off every few months then every month then every week then every month… and recently… he erased me from his phone. online account.

In my eyes, the best thing to do is to maintain a friendship but it’s hard and well, in my situation, it was hard for him to be friends with me or talk to me bc it reminded hm of the times we had.

Iwould call her. Let her know you will want to tell her how you feel and so she will listen then she can reply.

JUST be honest aout your feelings toward her and offer support for her and say you want to be in her life.

But as for a realtionship as a boyfriend, im pretty sure after 3 years and calling it quits.. it wont work ouyt.

Take care < 3 klaudia

Answer #2

oh man I feel your pain. My g/f of over 3 years broke up with me beginning of july, and then I found out about 3 weeks after we broke up she had started hard core flirting with this guy online, like sending him topless picks and stuff. Freaken crushed me.

but it sounds like she is jerking you around. Personally I would sever my ties with her, and try to move on. Its going to hurt like a SOB, and life is going to feel empty and meaningless for a while, but it will eventually start to get better. (I keep telling myself that).

Here is something to keep in mind, I have found with a lot of girls, they make up there mind on something, and no force on this earth is going to change it. There is a good chance she has made up her mind never to be back with you again, and no matter what you do its not going to change it.

I wish you the best of luck.

Answer #3

I’m sorry dude, but she’s just messing with your head, and probably new guys head too. She’s jerking you both around. I have a very similar story. The best thing you an do is walk away. Walk away from her before she gets tired of you and walks away herself.

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