I'm 13 and in love. HELP!

I really like this girl she lives neer me but she just moved out of my school. as she was leving we fell out and now I dont know what to do [note saying sorry, saying sorry ect.] also we would play out together aone and I think she might have liked me but I dont know. I used to like her but I stopped because she upset me. shes never gone out with me but when I stopped liking her she looked upset. plese help I will post more information if you need it plese help. im really lonley. thanks for reading.

and I know ivse posted this before but I doddent get a full answer.

Answer #1

ps.I live in england if that matters

Answer #2

she didn’t mean it and sorry 4 not replaying quickly I had a problem with hotmail but I think you should talk to her tell her how you really fell tell her don’t be afraid and what she did really annoyed u

Answer #3

tell her that you like her tell her that you always wanna see her happy don’t keep your feelings never maybe she likes you 2 but I need to know how she upsets u?

Answer #4

we fell out because we were doing a science experement and she made me do all the work and she did all the fun bits. I was a bit childish but it was very unfair. it was the her last day and I had given her a pen but when we fell out she said ‘’and you can have your pen back’’ and then gave the pen back. this really got an my nerves and she ended up telling the teatcher that I’d annoyed her. the teatcher then told us to stay away from eatch other [witch diddent help] so we diddent talk for the rest of the day.

ps.we upset eatch other.

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