Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Why can't my outside match my inside?
  2. How can I let him know I won't leave again?
  3. How can I make my boyfriend want me more?
  4. Should I hang out with this old friend?
  5. Does my boyfriend really love me?
  6. Did he break up with me for someone else?
  7. Does he still love me or is he sick of me?
  8. How can I get her back?
  9. At what age did you get married?
  10. How can I ask my crush to Homecoming?
  11. Should I go out with someone just to have a boyfriend?
  12. Should I sleep with my boyfriend or wait?
  13. Am I just jealous or is there a problem here?
  14. Am I being stalked?
  15. Should I say yes to marrying my boyfriend?
  16. Does my crush like me back?
  17. Do I really like him?
  18. How do I tell my best friend I like him?
  19. Will I ever be able to trust my wife again?
  20. What should I do about never being able to go out with him?
  21. How can I make a guy jealous at a party?
  22. get guys to like me
  23. Why does my boyfriend talk trash about me?
  24. Should I date my friend's girlfriend?
  25. What if we're too proud to admit we like each other?
  26. Should I let my best friend date my ex?
  27. How can I tell if my boss is attracted to me?
  28. Why am I losing interest in sneaking around with him?
  29. Is this flirting?
  30. What's in a name?
  31. How can I get this girl to give me another chance?
  32. How can I get my ex to stop calling me?
  33. What should I do about a controlling boyfriend?
  34. How can you make a boy love you and give you money?
  35. How can I get over my ex when he keeps calling me over?
  36. How can I get with the girl in my drama class?
  37. Will my cheating boyfriend ever change?
  38. Does she still love me?
  39. How to get my ex away from my cousin?
  40. How can I get him to choose me over pot?
  41. How do I make a boy love me?
  42. Should I have a baby now or wait?
  43. How do I ask out my friend?
  44. Am I a coward for not leaving him?
  45. Why is the girl I love acting so different?
  46. Should I let my feelings for this guy overcome me?
  47. Can you give me step-by-step advice on pleasuring a guy?
  48. How do I make a ganster fall in love with me?
  49. Which do girls prefer in bed, tongue, penis or vibrator?
  50. Is he pushing away because of money or something else?
  51. How can I get my girlfriend to want to lose weight?
  52. Does my old boyfriend still like me?
  53. How do I kiss my boyfriend?
  54. Should I leave my family for my fiancee's career?
  55. How can I hack into this stuff to see if she likes him more?
  56. How can I reply to this statement in this conversation?
  57. How do I tell my mom that my Stepdad raped me?
  58. Is this age difference too great for us to be together?
  59. Do you think she could like me? (continued)
  60. Told my folks to get lost..was it called for?
  61. Can I move out for my older boyfriend?
  62. Why would she dump me now?
  63. Am I sabotaging our relationship?
  64. Why am I bleeding from him touching me?
  65. Should I call it quits since we argue so much?
  66. How can tell if she is cheating?
  67. Should I ask my ex to a football game?
  68. How can I show him that I didn't mean what I said?
  69. What if we should get back together but he doesn't want to?
  70. How can I get her number? (continued)
  71. How can I talk to my crush?
  72. Why does he pull away the more affection I give?
  73. Do you think he's been cheating by the sound of this?
  74. How can I get her number?
  75. What are some tips on kissing?
  76. What are good ways to flirt without being annoying?
  77. Which piercing hurts the most?
  78. Is he taking this too seriously?
  79. How can I get over my nerves to talk to a girl?
  80. How can I convince my boyfriend I like him?
  81. Can a married man have feelings for the "other woman"?
  82. Should I bury my husband's affair?
  83. How do I make my crush jealous enough to like me?
  84. What do I do about this long, long crush?
  85. How can I make sure we stay friends?
  86. Does he just want action?
  87. Should I ask my boyfriend to marry me?
  88. How long did it take you to get over your ex?
  89. How can I stop feeling bad?
  90. How do I make sure we stay friends?
  91. Does my ex still love me or want me back?
  92. Which guys should I go to the formal with?
  93. How can I turn him down and keep our friendship?
  94. Is it too soon to ask someone else out?
  95. Why won't my boyfriend approach me?
  96. What do I do about this party drama?
  97. How can I get over him?
  98. How can I calm my boyfriend's jealousy?
  99. How can I get him to forget my parents' opinion?
  100. Should I wait for him to leave her for good?