Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What if we're very shy?
  2. How much comes out when he ejaculates?
  3. Girl troubles for the shy guy
  4. Who to say yes to when four guys asked me out?
  5. How can I tell if my girlfriend is wet?
  6. What if I'm younger and a tomboy?
  7. How to know if getting married is right?
  8. How to get people to stop thinking I'm emo?
  9. Hooking up leading to a relationship
  10. How to ask if he's dating someone?
  11. How to know if I really have feelings for my ex?
  12. Am I getting over my head in this one?
  13. Will it go or stay?
  14. Has she stopped liking me?
  15. What is a fake girl?
  16. Should I talk to my parents about my boyfriend?
  17. How to win back his heart?
  18. What is a good nickname to call a girl in spanish?
  19. Should I be sad for this long?
  20. Signs that he's not over you?
  21. What should I do if my friend won't talk to me?
  22. I hate my best friends girlfriend
  23. How to get my friend to bring my stolen stuff back?
  24. I am afraid of committment
  25. I really hate girl drama!
  26. How to get guys to makeout with you?
  27. In love with somebody, and he loves somebody else.. help?
  28. How can I fix any of these problems?
  29. How can I get a boyfriend?
  30. Is it bad that I get turned on when I think about him?
  31. How to get my friends back?
  32. Best friend with the Same crush.
  33. How to cope with my boyfriend dumping me after I was assaulted?
  34. Once a cheater always a cheater, true?
  35. What if your best friend and crush was moving?
  36. Why can't I ejaculate?
  37. Should I carry through with my plan to propose?
  38. Physical attraction issues
  39. How do I get that special feeling back?
  40. What do you do when he just wants to be friends?
  41. This kid cant take a hint
  42. How to help my depressed boyfriend?
  43. Should I give him a chance?
  44. Should I still feel guilty?
  45. when should yo first orgasm
  46. Mistakes Of The Past
  47. Do I just not need him anymore?
  48. Should I tell him I love him?
  49. Would you rather...
  50. When should I fall in love?
  51. How to get him back?
  52. How to get over my ex?
  53. Who Sacrifices More in Love- Men or Women/
  54. My boyfriend was arrested
  55. How to make guys talk to you?
  56. In love with me to in love with another girl in one day
  57. What age should you be when you first orgasm?
  58. How to get back in the scene?
  59. Should I call or keep waiting for him?
  60. How to make him see he needs to spend more time with us?
  61. Housemate Troubles
  62. Her friends wont leave us alone!
  63. Should big girls be cheerleaders?
  64. Should I tell him that I still talk to my ex?
  65. How to have hot makeout sessions?
  66. Lying husband
  67. Does this girl like me?
  68. Will I ever fall in love?
  69. How can a woman be so self centered?
  70. How to choose without hurting someone?
  71. How to attract guys?
  72. Why doesn't he seem like he likes me?
  73. What do I do if I excite a guy?
  74. Why is he behaving this way?
  75. Should I lose weight even if my girlfriend doesn't want me to?
  76. Staying with him for my son
  77. Promises broken
  78. How to get rid of my stalker ex?
  79. Why cant I get comfortable to dance for my man?
  80. Why am I so shallow?
  81. Why is love so hard to find?
  82. What would you do if you called him and he didnt want to talk?
  83. How to get my friend back?
  84. My boyfriend is in jail
  85. How to get a girlfriend?
  86. Why cant I find love where I live?
  87. Should I send him a Myspace message?
  88. Long distance trouble
  89. When to end it?
  90. Is it weird to date a shorter guy ?
  91. My wife just cheated, what should I do?
  92. Love is not love unless it is expressed.
  93. Is Virginity related to the Character of an Individual?
  94. I love him but I dont like his sister
  95. Do you think the guy I have a crush on knows?
  96. What's the matter with my best friend?
  97. How to get my boyfriend to understand my sleep schedule?
  98. Best type of present for a boyfriend?
  99. What if I don't want to hurt their feelings but they like me?
  100. How can I get over him?