How to get him back?

Okay, so basically im asking you ladies how im supposed to get an ex back. The short story is that I’ve been on and off him with him for about 5 years, and he just stopped talking to me all of a sudden. When we were together he’s brought up stuff bout his ex a few times and said how he hated her and everything, I was always there to help out, when he left and just stopped talking to me, he never came back. I called him a couple times because I coudlnt believe it and I really missed him, and I’ve been out with another guys a few times but I cant ever get him off my mind. I dont know how to get him back!

Answer #1

you’ve been with him for 5 years and you’re 16..?

well, there really is no way to get him back if he doesn’t like you. you have to accept the fact that it’s been over for him, and move on like he has. we all go through a grieving process when we get out of a relationship, but the worst way to deal with it is setting yourself up for another quick heartbreak. take a break from guys for a while until you’re ready.

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