Do you think the guy I have a crush on knows?

One time me and the guy I like where assigned as partners in a science experiment.

He’s usually so loud and happy. But when he was assigned with me, he was completely quiet. He only asked a few questions about the experiment, but we barely helped each other aside from that.

It was really awkward. Whenever we had to write something down, we would stay completely quiet, and write things down without talking the experiment over (and we where supposed to talk it over, too).

I’ve noticed that with he’s alone with anybody -boy or girl- he still talks like they’re his best friend. I’m getting worried that he knows I like him.

What do you think?

Answer #1

LoL so what if he knows? If he acts quiet around you then either he really likes you or dislikes you but what have you got to lose except your pride? Best thing to do is to act confident when confronting him and not to make things too personal. Just take him off to the side and ask him if he’d like to meet up afterschool or something. If he rejects you then forget it, it’s not THAT big of a deal and then you know and it won’t bother you anymore.

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