What if I'm younger and a tomboy?

help!!! I like this guy his in 9th grade and I am in 6th grade I asked my friend what kind of girls he goes out with she said girly girls problem is im a tomboy !!!I need help !!!what to wear ?how to act?everything!!! help me

Answer #1

I agree with ^^^ she sounds like a smart girl!!! Its so much better when your with someone that likes you just the way you are!

Answer #2

dont be someone your not 4 a guy because I have tried that it dont work. but I am a girly girl. so I will give you some tips. go shopping wit your friends if they like shopping. shop at hollister and abrocombie. and most guys like it when you smell good and you flirt wit them

Answer #3

What could a 9th grader possibly see in a little 6th grader? You really need to wait a few more years. Then he’ll see you as a young lady, instead of a child.

Answer #4

how embarrassing. do you have no self-respect? you’re so willing to change your whole personality and looks just to get some guy to like you, and he probably doesn’t even know you. if he doesn’t like you for who you TRULY are, then too bad get over it and move on, and find a guy who is right for you. be yourself, and don’t be afraid to show it to anybody.

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