Why am I so shallow?

Can anyone tell me why im so shallow? I always go for guys because of there looks instead of what I should really go for PERSONALITY.. am I the only person that does this, anyone got any kind of advice??

Answer #1

It is normal to see someone good looking and want to date them. But get to know them and don’t just stay with them because of their looks. You have to have a physical attraction to someone for things to work out. So don’t stress. I don’t think you are shallow.

Answer #2

I agree with the above it completely normal to go for looks. its really hard not too. lol. if you keep dating a lot of people eventually you will come across a guy thats hot and has a really good personality.don’t give up! hope I helped :] funmail me if you need more advice!

Answer #3

Hey your not shallow. I believe that all girls would like to date an attracted guy.. I agree with the above statements..get to know the guy first bc I did a mistake where I dated a good looking guy but he turned out to be emotional abusive guy…so please think it through and no your not shallow..bye

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