Love & Relationships Questions

  1. He is only allowed to marry within his church?
  2. Should I keep trying to get her to go out with me?
  3. Promiscous Girl won't leave me alone.
  4. Need fast advice on asking a girl out
  5. I like a boy but im afraid to tell him
  6. How can I help her to get over him?
  7. Why do guys like grabbing girls butts?
  8. Yes or No to this guy who asked me out?
  9. Angry man who I love
  10. How to get people to stay out of my personal life?
  11. What do you do when all your friends are pissed at you
  12. Why does my sister hate that I hang out with white people?
  13. Should I go for it if my best friend likes him?
  14. Lover or friend
  15. What is it he can't tell me?
  16. Should I call my boyfriend who's being horrible to me?
  17. How to please a black man in the bedroom?
  18. How to milk your own prostate?
  19. What are little things to do for my wife?
  20. What's the next move after a French kiss?
  21. What signs are compatable?
  22. Does it gross out guys to eat a girl out?
  23. What does this sign mean?
  24. How to know if he's cheating?
  25. How to tell your condom size?
  26. Should I just let things take their course with him?
  27. What if he's showing my dirty picture to people?
  28. How do I kiss a girl at the movies?
  29. What do I do when I am married but love someone else?
  30. How to drive a man crazy with desire for you?
  31. How do you get over someone?
  32. How to excite your man in the bedroom?
  33. In love wihh you'r friends boyfriend
  34. How do I know if my teacher likes me
  35. How do you get over being rejected by a girl?
  36. Can you love someone without passion?
  37. Do guys care about breast size?
  38. What is best age for marriage?
  39. How to get him to fall for me again?
  40. does he still love me
  41. What can I do with my girlfriend if I'm broke?
  42. What if girls don't like me and I don't want to change?
  43. How do you ask a guy out?
  44. Is there more than one "the one" out there?
  45. Why do guys lie?
  46. Should I tell parents and friends I'm bi?
  47. Should I still go out with her?
  48. Something romantic for someone who isn't?
  49. Was your boyfriend ever a jerk?
  50. Show him that I love him?
  51. Is it bad I've made new friends?
  52. What are some really cute love sayings?
  53. Sore after fingered
  54. Is it right or wrong to be with my cousin?
  55. Should I get involved with someone who just had a baby?
  56. What do nervous laughs mean?
  57. Why do people say they love someone and dont mean it
  58. Should I ask my ex back out?
  59. He is not romantic, but I hopelessly am!
  60. I know you guys are getting tired of hearing about Toonces
  61. Do you know what ethnicity this guy is?
  62. How to flirt online?
  63. Huge raver crush
  64. Just asked me back out and I have two other guys that like me
  65. Bad situation
  66. How to show my friend that I like him?
  67. A crybaby.
  68. I miss her friendship
  69. Why can't I love him the same?
  70. We still haven't kissed after three months
  71. How to get my ex back?
  72. Your most amazing kiss?
  73. Age difference for love.
  74. He's on right now, how to get him?
  75. Should I be mad?
  76. Does he want to see me again?
  77. Should I ask him out?
  78. How can he trust me now?
  79. Why do I act like this?
  80. How do I ask out this one girl?
  81. Should I try to talk to him or get over him?
  82. Should you leave a boy who cheats when he drinks?
  83. Stopping a rumor
  84. Caught looking at porn?
  85. Do women like to see a man with a tight butt?
  86. Is it sluttish to send kinda dirty pictures?
  87. How can you going out with her making many excuses
  88. What does he have against me in gym?
  89. When do you know its time to breakup?
  90. How to leave the stuff people say behind me?
  91. A random relationship for a random person?
  92. Hot anime
  93. I'm Playing 20 Questions With a guy, what to ask?
  94. Why do I feel this
  95. Disappointment, is it ok?
  96. What now, lesbians and confusion (continued)
  97. I don't know what I'm feeling
  98. My brothers are fighting over a girl
  99. Just want to be friends
  100. What if you have to tell someone something crazy?