In love wihh you'r friends boyfriend

Hey tiffany88 My best friend in the world has a boyfriend and I think I like him. What should I do, should I tell my bestfriend or what? ps:emergency

Answer #1

move on and dont tell her. why would you want to be that bitch that broke two people up….seriously

Answer #2

Do NOT tell. Read that sentence again. Do NOT tell!!! We all experience crushes, etc., sometimes, but friends don’t move in on each other’s territory. So unless you want to lose her friendship forever, keep your feelings to yourself.

Answer #3

It really depends on how good ur friendship is and how good their relationship is

Answer #4

I Have The Same Problem, But I Have Is That I Also Work With My Best Friend. Don’t Do Any Thing About It As You Will always Look The Bad One. If They Split Up And Stay Friends And He Likes You Then You Should Speak To Your Friend And Tell Her That You Like Him And See If She Minds You Going Out With Him.

Answer #5

You better not tell your BEST friend something like that if plan to still be friends with her. NO woman will take to kindly to that. Even if they smile in your face and tell you different. In her mind she’ll be thinking… “THIS B@%*% HAS GOT TO BE OUT OF HER MIND….etc”

Secondly, WHY would you tell her?!! You weren’t planning on sleeping with your best friends boyfriend were you?? If not then keep it to yourself and move on. No one has to know but you and God.(and us ; ) ) Why start distrust in a good friendship when there doesnt have to be. Common sense.

Answer #6

If she’s your absolute best friend and they have a strong relationship, maybe you shouldn’t tell her. In any case wait on it for a bit, and see whether your feelings are real or not before you open that “can of worms.” Once you tell her it’s out, and you can’t take it back. Be careful if you decide to tell her, and maybe you should just slip it into a casual convo… like: “you so lucky to have(insert name here), If you two weren’t together, I’d totally go for him.” It’s kinda good to just slip it in sonetimes…


Answer #7

No you shouldnt tell her anything, it will only cause problems, wake up and realise that this guy is your best friends bf, you may have a crush, fine, but telling her will only result in losing your friendship with her becos she will never trust you around any of her bfs, and her bf will prob stop talking to you out of respect to his gf, be a real friend and keep your mouth closed and keep your mind off someone who belongs to your best friend!

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