I don't know what I'm feeling

O.K. so I like this one guy in my pod like crazy (I think), he’s in my thoughts every second of the day. Yet I don’t want to talk to him… I get to nerves. I wish we could just both hang out, but we’re both way to shy around each other… he’s all I want, yet I want to stay far away from him. I can talk to any other guy (no problem) but with him I’m just lost. Some times I see him looking at me and my heart leaps, I know we could work if we could just talk. How do I get over being nerves, how can I talk to him, is it love I’m feeling… or what is it. I confused.

Answer #1

ok, I know how you feel , the same thing happened to me like a month ago.. I liked this guy and everytime I see him we both would make eye contact, and my heart would just skip a beat. And I knew by the way he looked at me, that he liked me. But like you I never said anything to him. I get sooo nerous! Like I can’t even help it, no matter what I did, I couldn’t talk to him. But then I notice that when I was by my friends I was not nerous so, one day his friend came up to me and said that his friend thought I was cute. And I got so nerous but when I was in the hall way I saw him and said hi. the only reason why I said hi was because ivwas with my friends. And so far with me by heart stopped skipping a beat. I don’t think its love even though it might feel like it. Every one goes though it. So I think you should have some friends around you and when you see him just say hi ( or what ever you want) I worked for me… It might work for you! I hope I helped you…( sorry about all the writing) =) goodluck!

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