A crybaby.

Im a very emotional person and I embarres myself by crying at everything..what can I do to be stronger??on the inside?

Answer #1

I used to be like that, I’d cry at everything, it got better as I got older… dont try and keep it all in though, crying is a lot better than some other ways of dealing with your emotions…

Answer #2

I’m the EXACT same way. lol. If I start crying I can’t stop. It doesn’t make you a cry baby. Just… a normal girl I guess.

Answer #3

well the way you can be stronger is if you have a friend thats really close to you to talk about your problems to and if that dont work make a journal title date and put a tiome of evey entrie and write everything you think feel and need to talk about that helps me I do it it might work for you if you try it fun mail me back and tell me how it works out

Answer #4

it doesnt matter what your emotions are it’s okay too be emotional just let it out!!!111

Answer #5

For me, it’s the opposite, I’m horrible at showing emotions. For some reason, I just don’t cry. So, I may be able to help you. Think of crying as something special, a release of built up emotions that you should only let out for certain moments. For some people (like myself), crying is a sign of weakness. You are showing a part of yourself that not everyone should get to see. It’s vulnerability. When you see something sad or something that makes you emotional, just try to hold yourself back and let out those emotions through talking to someone or screaming into a pillow (well, that works for me anyway… lol). Just remember that it’s okay to cry…sometimes, but don’t let it be something that happens daily. People need to cry occasionaly, it’s a release. But if you do it all the time, then it won’t have the same affect on yourself and others than it would if you rarely shed a tear.

Hope the advice helps. :P

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