Should I ask him out?

Theres this guy I’ve been diggin 4 a few weeks. Im finally gettin over my ex 2 because of him. Hes going thru what im going thru right now wit my ex. Well we hung ot yesturday and we kissed and held hands like we were datin. But dont want to ask em out and it be to early or start stuff wit his ex girl. He says the last thing he wants is to put drama in my life. At first I thought we would be just friends to help eachother out of heartbreak. But now we both want somethin more…at least I think he does to…he already knows how I feel and he says he feels the same way. But I just dont want to move to eary…what do you think?

Answer #1

You both just got out of relationships, no need to rush things! Just let things play out, and see what happens. I was “seeing” my boyfriend for a couple months before we actually became boyfriend/girlfriend. That is why so many teen relationships dont last, because they dont know how to take things slow! It’s OK to take your time to get to know each other and enjoy what you share. Taking your time allows feelings like excitement and closeness to build naturally into a solid foundation.

Answer #2

Thats exactly what happened with my ex.

We started as friends to help each other out from the heart break of the ex, ex’, and we started loving each other and then we went out..

I say ask him out.

It really flatters a guy to have a girl ask him out. Its a bit surprising but I love it…

Ask him out, it sounds like it would work out between the two of you .

Good Luck :]

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