Huge raver crush

What to do. So I met this guy at an afterparty after this rave, I wasnt rolling anymore,I still had it in my body(if you think its e love), I have not been feeling it for aboyut 2 hours and I didnt really notice anything he was cute,talked a lil,he left,I found his myspace and thought I likeed him and I did,I left him a cmnt,we talked and then he aimed me etc . Hes bi so he is sweet to everyone,plus he is a raver so when hes sweet to me I think wow he might like me,then im like no..I thik he is like that to everyone.. So im very confused. I’ve known him for about 2 months now He gives hugs/and or says hi whenever we see eachotehr at raves,danced once or twice :d but that was pretty recent. He aimed me and asked if we madeout,im like I wish hes like sorry! I was going to etc. Which made me happy so I don’t know what 2 do next. Im still kinda shy infront of him,not too shy but I relly like him and I dont know if I should wait to tell him or tell him at all,and next time I see him will be in 2-3weeks or this week if I go to etd pop.

Answer #1

I say go for the gold! If he asks you if you guys made out then (in dude language) it means he REALLY wants to. Maybe not all guys but definitely a lot. Next time you see him kiss him on the cheek or neck and if you get a good response then go from there=)

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