Yes or No to this guy who asked me out?

Ok so This guy in 3 of my classes asked me out today. I haven’t gone out with anyone in like 3 months and all of my friends have and I just really want a boyfriend. Plus everyone still thinks I like this other guy. It would totally prove that Im over him and I want a Boyfriend. Should I say yes or no? And it would be akward cause he also sits next to me in all my of classes with him. Help!!

Answer #1

Dont go out with this guy because you want to make a point, go out with him because you like him… If you dont like him you’re going to end up regretting ending up in a situation that will just lead to further drama…

Answer #2

if they are your true friends they will except the fact that you like him and he likes you but if you dont like him then dont go out with him just to have a boyfriend.

Answer #3

just because your freinds all seem to have one doesnt mean you should dont go out with himm just because you really want a boyfreind and dont just to prove a silly point if you like him, and want to go out with him then do but it doesnt sound like you do so youd just be putting his feelings at risk he could end up liking you and then getting hurt only to find out you were trying to prove something or just wanted a boyfreind or worse still he could use you or something right now, if you dont like him, then I would say no and dont be so concerned about what your freinds think you have your own opinions dont you!

Answer #4

Girls gotta learn to become strong. You shouldn’t need a man to make you feel better Also, you look like a real prick when you go out with someone because you only want a boyfriend. What if he wants sex? Are you going to humbly give it to him? If you don’t, how do you know he won’t rape you? Yea, think about those questions and come to the right conclusion - which is to find someone you actually like.

Answer #5

Don’t go out with him in order to prove yourself. ‘Cause in the end, the one that’s hurt becomes the guy.

Answer #6

Well I sord of like him but two of my best friends think he’s weird.

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