Love & Relationships Questions

  1. My Boyfriend 56 is dating older women
  2. Insignificantly enough we both have significant others
  3. Do you think girls are under a lot of pressure to be thin?
  4. Im taken but liking someone else..
  5. My boyfriend wants me to have a baby
  6. Who do you love?
  7. Guy or girls I need some help again
  8. What do I do about my ex.
  9. Engagement Ring Question
  10. Friends or more?
  11. Whats The perfect date?
  12. I need to talk to him. But I want him to tell me the truth.
  13. What to do for him that he'll always remember?
  14. How to tell if someone loves you?
  15. Can a boy and a girl share the same room?
  16. This is the most confusing year of my life. Please help .
  17. Over but not done.
  18. How long does it take to cum?
  19. I feel no pleaure using a condom.
  20. My nieces boyfriend his homeless
  21. How do I please him
  22. How do I get him to like me?
  23. Restricted number calling me .
  24. What do I do?
  25. Pain in bellybutton area
  26. Girl advice
  27. I think they both like me
  28. How do you know if that person likes you?
  29. How to know if it's love?
  30. Do guys wear baggy pants so people cant c if they are having a bon
  31. How do I tell the girl I like her? She thinks I like her friend.
  32. Love... How to get past the tough times when boyfriend in jail?
  33. I need all the help I can get
  34. How do you give a BJ or HJ
  35. What turns guys on?
  36. Is he making me jealous?
  37. Help me for crossdressing dream?
  38. Messed up problem
  39. Can I takem out?
  40. Should I get paranoid about being alone?
  41. A website that can show me
  42. Does this count as a hand job?
  43. My friends dont like my boyfriend
  44. Some help please
  45. What do you do if you tell your boyfriend you dont luv him anymore
  46. What type of girl
  47. How do I have my ex back
  48. Im having trouble with this
  49. Boyfriend help
  50. Is he interested?
  51. Why does he do this
  52. My friends demand
  53. Should I hang out with them?
  54. Wierd fantasies
  55. Whats a bad age difference?
  56. How do you hint that you like him
  57. How do you make a guy jelous?
  58. Cheap boyfriend
  59. Will he send me an email?
  60. She is still in love with my boyfriend
  61. It's not love
  62. Do you think my neighbor likes me?
  63. Problems walking up to a girl !
  64. I need help is my ex cheating or is his friend a liar?
  65. Is this a big problem?
  66. Commitment problem!
  67. Why are girls all over me
  68. Dump him or stay?
  69. Cool Way to ask a girl to homecoming
  70. What should I ask her?
  71. Couple songs
  72. I just got my first period...?
  73. Freaky texts
  74. What to do about my ex boy?
  75. How to be a nicer person?
  76. How can I get over my ex boyfriend
  77. Fun things to talk about w/ a guy.
  78. What makes the best kiss?
  79. What should I do about him?
  80. Am I a b*tch for dumping my boyfriend?
  81. What does extra faje means
  82. I like this girl, how do I find out if she likes me back!
  83. Does he love me?
  84. Should I forget about him?
  85. Help over a guy
  86. I still like my ex boyfriend and he said he might feel the same
  87. Why we never madeout
  88. I need her back
  89. I love him so
  90. When im kissing, should I be doing anything?
  91. Talking about fingering
  92. Why do people spread rumors about people who did nothing to them?
  93. Help me get my ex boyfriend
  94. My 2 guy friends are fighting over me
  95. I want to move on, but I cant...
  96. Me and my bffb like the same guy
  97. Precious thing
  98. I'm so confused
  99. Job ideas for ex-felon?
  100. When making out dont you choose a lip?