How can I get over my ex boyfriend

I broke up with my boyfriend nearly a year ago and I still think about him all the time…I never even talk to him anymore so its driving me crazy! Whats a good way to get over him fast?

Answer #1

get a new boyfriend. think of all the bad traits about your ex *try to get over him. I had the same problem I just got over my ex [it was waaay hard tho] try to become friends w/ your ex

Answer #2

ahhh I dont think that really happens if yuh really cared about them serously im dealin wit it bad. hadda go talk to docotrs and sstuff over it, I was a mess.. im not as bad as I was.. yanno , but I still cant get him offa my mind, maybe you could help me to ? lol I usually just go out and get drunk, and try and keep it offa my mind, but really I think the best thing uh can do. is maybe , sit down, take time out to think aabout it really. you cant aviod it. yuh gotta make peace with it in your heart, the sooner you accpet the fact that its over, the sooner you can move on. if you truely want to move on you can do it.. my problem is .. is that I really dont think I do want to move on, cause I lubbs em to death , I want him back. its so hard though im not even shure I can help yuh on this one, I cant even help mself :(

Answer #3

It probably won’t happen fast, no matter what. But it will get easier. Eventually.

I still think about my first girlfriend that I dated 15 years ago. I still think about my last ex that I dated a year and a half ago. But each day brings less pain, and each new relationship brings fresh perspective on why hanging onto that pain isn’t a good idea.

Once you feel strongly for someone else, the thoughts of your ex will seem less like yearning and more like nostalgia.

Answer #4

time heals all wounds..

Answer #5

Well its kinda hard 2 say because sometimes I still think about xxxboyfriends. Its no way 2 really get over them but 2 try your hardest to stop thinking about them. I just try a little harder each day.

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