I just got my first period...?

so today I got my first period and I’m useing pads, when would be a good time to switch to tampons? Any advice in general? I still have not told my mom I will when I see her Sunday I just don’t the best relationship so its kinda hard to tell her stuff like that…

Answer #1

no it’s not. using tampons is for whenever youget your period, not just swimming. and I think they are SO much better, no worryin about leaks, or anything like that, so much cleaner too. you can switch whenever you want. you just have to tell her, she knows you are going to get it, and so you might as well tell her now. it’s SO awkward, but if you’re cool about it when you tell her she’ll be cool about it to. just say ‘hey mom, I started my period, and I hate pads, I’d rather use tampons will you take me to get some?’ (Playtex Sport, is the best btw.)

Answer #2

I ad my period 2 yeers afore I started using tampons they are a bit uncomfortable at first but then they are ok

Answer #3

I ad my period 2 yeers afore I started using tampons they are a bit uncomfortable at first but then they are ok

Answer #4

I got my period today and I was at home so that was good I went and got a pad and changed and went right to my mom and told her she explained everything to me its not that scary but believe me if you don’t have yours yet you don’t want it either your back or you get cramps trust me you don’t want it. and the weird thing was that me and my bff were talking and I just started PMSing and this moring I called her and told her everything and she understood why I was acting like that yesterday!

but you should tell your mom seriusly I told my mom that seconed I noticed I got mine. she was actually very happy that I was becoming a young woman!

befor ei wanted so bad cause 3 of my friends gotten theres and now I do to!!

Answer #5

I literally got my first period like 2 hours ago, I took a shower, and that’s how found out. I am 14, so I just went and showed my mom, she was uncomfortably happy for me, but whatever… I am wearing my first poad right now, and it’s pretty comfy but I’ve got stomach cramps, my mom said that I shouldn’t wear tampons for a while, she said people tend not to wear them until they have sex, or they or older or ya know, stuff like that. Just tell your mom, it’s not that bad. I just don’t want my dad to know haha

Answer #6

I got my period yesterday and I still havent told my mum (I dont want to im scared ) what should I do?? it doesnt hurt and im wearing a pad but I still dont want to tel her because we dont really get on .

Answer #7

I think I got my period I got blood down there but my stomeck dont hurt im onley 111 thogh im small for my age to and 75 pounds

Answer #8

omg I feel the same way me and my mom do not have such a strong relationship either and I never told my mom I got my peroid so really I think the right thing to do is tell her but I understand how you would be scared? and it depends on how old you are how old are you using tampons is really for swimming and such

Answer #9

you should tell yo mom fast im sure shel be very happy… and its good you knew what ti to…but tampons hurt!! but get used to the pads for a wile before you switch to tampons atleast a year.and when you do make sure you use the smallest 1…and tampons are better after you start haveing sex cus its not so tight dwn there!!! but dont rush into any of that!!!lol

Answer #10

Don’t worry… I JUST god MY period… It’s not that bad. I feel that you should tell your mother… she can REALLY help you. A good time to wear tampons is when you do sports such as swimming. Just realize that your not alone when you get your period.

Answer #11

They only hurt if you do not out them in correctly.

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