Insignificantly enough we both have significant others

I have on/off relationship with this guy. It’s so complicated, we are not the cute kind of couple that hold hands in the street and call each pet names but we have a ‘spark’. I hate him but it’s like I have to be with him.things go really nice for like 3 days and then we are each others throats. I tried to move on, found myself a new bloke he got a new girlfriend and things were going okay…then I met up with him and we ended up kissing. I know you are going to shout at me for this and think I’m horrid person, I feel awful about what I’ve done but I don’t know how to fix things.

Should I break up with my current boyfriend? Should I tell him about kissing my ex? How do I get over my ex once and for all? I really need to sort things out in my head, I don’t like the person I’m becoming because of it all.

Thanks for the help :)

Answer #1

Put everything aside!!! 4get that he’s jerk sumtimes or wutever!! Ask your self!!! Do I really still love my ex or my current boyfriend?? If you still love your ex…then your probably just with your new boyfriend to get over your old one and that plan isn’t workn for u!!! and obviously your ex still likes you more then his current girlfriend!!! think about whou really like!!!

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