Why we never madeout

My ex-girlfriend and I never made-out and I don’t know why. I asked her because it bothered me that she didnt with me after 4 months but she did with her boyfriend before me after one month. Anyway I asked her and she said she doesnt want to talk about it that was in the past and she’s not comfortably talking about it and that was it. What could be the reason?

Answer #1

Maybe you meant more to her than the other bloke and she didn’t want to rush things and ruin them?

I don’t know her so it’s hard to 2nd guess her reasons. I wouldn’t dwell if I was you, it’s over now.

Be strong, accept it and move. I know you can do it :)

Answer #2

She might miss her last guy or either she doesnt like you tahat much sorry 2 say but he could have hurt her so she doesnt want to put her self out there again…it cud have been numerous reasons

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