Love & Relationships Questions

  1. what is an average guys definitaion of an attractive girl?
  3. Depressed. Seriously. Help ?
  4. Should I drop my friends?
  5. Good friends or more?
  6. should I believe this guy..
  7. What to do about a jerk for a boyfriend that I like a lot?
  8. Do you still say the things you used to?
  9. how can I get her back???
  10. He says and shows that he likes me but he has a girlfriend.
  11. How do I know if my cherry is popped?
  12. How can I convince my girlfriend?
  13. Do you think she'll like me again?
  14. how to tell parents about boyfriend
  15. I want to fight her, or should I just leave her alone?
  16. Why is it so hard for a guy to show his true feelings?
  17. why are females afraid so show emotion???
  18. how do she feel???
  19. where is my first kiss
  20. Why is love so painful?
  21. How do I get over him?
  22. How do I seduce someone?
  23. Would you sacrifice your friendship for your love?
  24. What should I do when I get back home?
  25. Is it supposed to hurt this bad?
  26. I like someone but what will my friend do?
  27. how far does a girls cum shoot after an orgasm
  28. Why am I horny all the time?
  29. What should I do? I miss her.
  30. Boy troubles, what should I do?
  31. cheated
  32. Me - My love - My Friend
  33. What is your best friend like?
  34. Is this wrong of me?
  35. what does this mean?
  36. Should I change my style? for the GOOD???
  37. girlfriend
  38. best friend help
  39. Should I approach him?
  40. What should I do to tell him how I feel?
  41. what is love
  43. What should I do?
  44. What is up with boys
  45. Dating online
  46. Boyfriend smokes weed
  47. First kiss thingy-bob..
  48. Am I wrong?
  49. Is it a bad thing?
  50. Why wont he ask me out! How can I help him?
  51. Does He Hate Me?
  52. Really scary neighbor problems...
  53. I'm scared he will hurt her feelings
  54. How do I stop taking things so seriously?
  55. What do I do...
  56. Former best friend
  57. What has happened to the word love?
  58. Are accents hot?
  59. Do I worry about her going to Vegas?
  60. Worldy questions.
  61. What is a good thing about being a female aged 15 and a sophmore?
  62. Stressed/depressed.
  63. Turn on problems
  64. What do you all think about online dating?
  65. It's been different since he met my Dad
  66. How do I show this guy that I like him?
  67. Best friend fighting
  68. I have a crush on a guy who might possible be taken- what do I do?
  69. Face Value
  70. Lonely, should I wait for him?
  71. Elder dating
  72. So what do you guys think this means?
  73. Not out cheating!
  74. There is this girl I still love and is my ex girlfriend
  75. I need real advice on this situation!!
  76. I don't like my friends!
  77. 3 other guys causing problems
  78. Mean when people say tell him to go down on you
  79. My friends are annoying!
  80. What are nice, cute, things to say to a girl?
  81. Friends now lovers?
  82. What should I give my girl?
  83. Love help!!!
  84. How to tell if she really loves you.
  85. How come I cant get a boyfriend.
  86. Me and his Ex-girlfriend?
  87. How can I get boys to like "like" me?
  88. Should I say yes to his proposal?
  89. Being made fun of
  90. I'm always attracted to the ones who screw me over
  91. How to please your girlfriend
  92. I like ths guy, he sends all the signals
  93. Why do men like to hit it from the back?
  94. Real and true love
  95. What do you think?
  96. How to show she had an orgasm?
  97. How do I get her to stay?
  98. Why are guys afraid to make it "official"?
  99. How to keep yourself from feeling lonely?
  100. It's been over a year and I miss him