Should I approach him?

Well there is this guy I think I like…Dan. Im not sure though. He is in my French class and we were assigned a project and I thought about asking him to partner with me, but I didn’t. Then this other girl went over to him and asked. Although when she walked over I heard her other friends (one of which was my ex best friend) sitting behind me saying “Awhh”. So now they are partners and I don’t know if she likes him. I mean I think I do. Whenever I see him Im always looking at every detail of him (not in a stalker way :p) For example he is a football player and he has really nice arms and a jawline I would just love to kiss up on. :p I don’t know. Should I make any kind of move? My horoscope had mention today “When you look at things extra closely today you may discover something you overlooked before. Whether it’s someone else’s romantic intensions or your own, you need to decide once and for all what you want to do. Don’t dawdle.” What to do? help? :/


Answer #1

I think you should before its too late - tell him how you feel because if not this other girl might beat you to it.

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