Really scary neighbor problems...

Ok, well I have these neighbor problems. They ar e really bad problems. Ok, so my 3 best guy friends and I where buying fart bombs from the ice cream truck and we got 8 all together. We used them all accept for two. One of them we threw in a UPS truck. (By the way, they are not the kind of fart bombs you light on fire. They are in a little silver bag and you squeeze them and throw it and it pops. :] Their fun.) With the last fart bomb the youngest boy rang a door bell and threw it at the door. We ran to my house and hid behnd some bricks. I was brave enough to peep out. Some old lady can out screaming at us and we ran as far as we could. Then I called my mom and asked if there was a old lady in our yard and she said “Yea, what did you do this time? Oh crap the freaking dog got out again…” I heard on the phone my dog barking at the old lady and her screaming at my mom. “ Oh my god. Get over here now! You are in so much trouble!” after my mom said that I ran back home with my little sisters. I got the youngest boy and his mom and my mom to go and say sorry. The youngest boy has A.D.D. and his mother works for child services, remember this ok? We rang the door bell. The boys mom and my mom started talking to the lady. Her old husbend came and was pointing at one of my little sisters yelling “SHES A THIEFT! THAT DUMB LITTLE BLONDE GIRL IS A FREAKING THIEFT!” Then he pointed at me and said “THAT GIRL IS TEACHING THEM EVERYTHING THEY DO! THEY STEAL OUT FLOWERS! NEXT TIME I’M going to SHOOT YOU AND CALL CHILD SERVICES!” My mom hugged one of my little sisters and he said, “NO! DON’T HUG THEM! YOU RAISED THOSE LITTLE SUN-OF-A-GUN DEVIL BLONDE KIDS TO STEAL!” Then the old lady said, “ LADY YOU HAVE PROBLEMS! WHERE CALLING THE COPS ON YOU! YOU DARN KIDS HAVE BEEN DOING THIS DING-DONG-DITCH THING SINCE APRIL! I’M SICK OF THIS CRAP! I’M CALLING THE COPS!” Then the boys mom said, “No you can’t talk to them like that. Their just kids.” Then I ran off crying to the older boys that I hang out with. I told one of them that it was his fault. He got mad at me. Then we where ok and I ran off home. I’m am sooo freaking scared. ;[ please HELP HELP HELP ME!

Answer #1

hahahah this may seem scary now, but trust me, you will be laughing at it in a few days, ahah hell, im laughing at it right now (sorry if that seems insensitive)

listen to the others ppls advice, it is good, dont worry everything will work out fine.

lol looking back at some of the stupid stuff I did as a kid…

Answer #2

Well sometimes you just find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. At least your parents understand, you should calm down..

Answer #3

She knows everything. I told her. I had nothing to do with the fart bomb and the ding dong ditch thing. It was all the boys and I’m getting in trouble for it to. My parents are not mad at us one bit. I’m just scared to death.

Answer #4

I have never done a ding-dong-ditch. I’m am really scared. No one has been doing ding dong diching in this neighbor hood. please HELP! ;[

Answer #5

Lesson learned, isn’t it? It’s naughty of you and your friends to play pranks on your neighbors and throw things at cars.

I think your neighbors are just very angry and upset about it, so they’re making up some stories to make the situation seem worse. You should tell your mom everything that actually happened, and assure her that you’re telling the truth. At least get your mom to understand you and what really happened so that she can protect you and fight for you. Tell her that you and the kids you know have never done ding-dong ditches before this.

Answer #6

I say you have nothin to worry about. if you parent arnt upset with you then there not really any more trouble you can get into. I mean the cops cant do nothin about it except teel you to not do it agian. and as for the old couple . . just stay away from there house. it just that simple. dont be scared nothing bad is going to happen unless you actually did something to there house like vandlism and over age

((I would think that your pretty young concidering you are ding dong ditching. . ))

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