Me and his Ex-girlfriend?

my boyfriend asked me to look on his myspace…because he still talksz 2 his ex-girl..kuz they still cool..but he told her he tends to think bout her when he’s with me…but he tried to explain 2 me..thats not what he meant…he said he meant that I remind him sumwhat of his ex-girl by some of the characteristics…but im his #1 he never meant anything by it…and pursisted to explain what he meant…now my boyfriend..doesnt have a past of cheating or lying…I just need to know how to take it and what to say 2 him..because im kinda hurt…but confused at the same time..kuz I dont know what to think…HELP!!!

Answer #1

What bothers me is that he still talks to this girl. I’m sorry but if you’ve dated someone in the past, those feelings might come up again if you continue to talk. Me and my fiance to not talk to any of our ex’s, the past is the past for a reason. Tell him how you feel about it, if he really cares for you, he should stop talking to her. He even said that he still thinks about her. You shouldn’t have to feel like that.

Answer #2

if he dont give you any other rerason, go for it. evwery body has a pass.

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