Do you still say the things you used to?

You know all the special little pet names and cute little catch phrases or is it just, Hey you? :)

Answer #1

Now its more random stuff, I’ll be like Hey (insert random words here) when I’m talking to my friends. Some of the names make them giggle; like ‘Hey pickle head’.

Answer #2

I have lots of nick names :) ever since I was a wee kid .

like Merna mina missa Snowwhite chipmunk asian chipmunk ( even tho im not asian I look it when I sleep , my friends are weird ) Mer-C [ Mercy ]

I say things , now , that I didnt before , like I’d say now , LMAO , I dont say “ lol “ as much or… be’tch , , or Mofo , stufff like that .

when I was younger , didnt swear , so big change . ther

Answer #3

it would depend on who I am talking to… but I do like calling people by things other then their names.

Answer #4

Well, mom is still mom, and the hubby is still lover - nothing cutesy there, but my children have pet names: Brittney is Beener Christopher is Boika Robin is K-buu

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