Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Do you believe??!! Like LOL
  2. dumped and ditched!!!
  3. Ugh. I need advice???
  4. will this love go away?
  5. What should I say.
  6. lost in the world of luv
  7. drunk
  8. Is six years too long to have an unreciprocated crush?
  9. y dunt guys like it in their butts?
  10. Poked a hole in the condom
  12. Would you date me?
  13. Which one sounds better
  14. looks of girls
  15. Can anyone else help me please?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
  16. what do you like the most on the female body?
  17. bad new years - crying and upset!
  18. why am I feelling like this?
  19. quick help! Plzz
  20. :( not the right one,?
  21. Love- is it possible
  22. Comparing to my friend
  23. what would you call this
  24. is this possible...???
  25. I am not going to do that!
  26. single for the holidays ...
  27. guys liking me
  28. I dont get it
  29. Her Parentss .
  30. what should I do? I don't know who else to go to
  31. He cant stop cheatinn//
  32. should I meet him?
  33. what is the point of living a pointless life
  34. Boyfriend has 4 Felonies and is in jail for 4 more months
  35. I really dont know what to do.
  36. What is he thinking?
  37. Do they look a like to you?
  38. do I go out with him or not?help!
  39. how do I react.. I dont know what to do!!
  40. omg, new years eve, help, majorlyy.pleassee.
  41. Who likes that position 69?
  42. He doesn't talk to me much
  43. Relationship regret
  44. Getting over an Ex?
  45. Do they work?
  46. Is what I'm feeling love... or just infatuation?
  47. an older man =)
  48. How to rebuild a friendship?
  49. What is considerd large for a penis???
  50. Why does love hurt so much?
  51. its freakin hard dude!
  52. How can I have a girl friend ?
  53. my calves (need guys point of view too)
  54. he needs to say it and do it first
  55. kiss me thru the phonee !
  56. Which?
  57. should I?
  58. im 14 and my mom doesnt understand me
  59. Again with the boyfriend problems
  60. Am I being used or are guys just self centered
  61. about friends/school too...
  62. I'm 14 and my mom doesnt understand me >=O
  63. What names are cute...
  64. Girls
  65. What do you think about...
  66. Think with me???
  67. Guys and girls
  68. Time to move on,
  69. Names of some sad hard rock/ metal/emo/ punk rock songs...
  70. Judgementals
  71. I want to put a title on our relationship
  72. Can a virgin cum!!!
  73. What do I do about my girlfriend?
  74. What is love?
  75. Why is he hard all the time?
  76. What does he mean by this?
  77. Getting fingered
  78. Should she accept this guy for life time?
  79. Does he really like me?
  80. Love in first site
  81. Hubby watches lot of t.v
  82. Question about your inlaws.
  83. Would you date a bi guy or girl?
  84. confused.
  85. love at first sight
  86. Please give me good advice
  87. so I've came to a conclusion..
  88. 17 and 13-14
  89. Do you regret your loosing your virginity?
  90. Wrong? or Right?
  91. in this sistiuation what should you do??
  92. Boy drama
  93. hanging out with nineteen year old tomrowo need help.
  94. What does it mean?
  95. I have a boyfriend but I don't know if he's serious about our rela.
  96. propse a guy
  97. :( please HelP
  98. Good Qualities.
  99. What should I do about my friend wanting to be me?
  100. how to atrract a man