dumped and ditched!!!

I broke up with my boyfriend a few months bakk and I’m not sure it was a smart move, he now has a new girlfriend and she’s VERY pretty, I don’t think I like him buht I still geht a bit jelouse from time to time and am finding it very hard to move on.


Answer #1

I would find it best to move on. He must not be heart broken about the break up if he has already moved on. I bet you can find someone better then him- you broke up with him for a reason, now move on! Its alright to be jealous, its human nature.

Answer #2

I would try and move on as there are others out there but know where your coming from as there is a boy at my school I really really fancy but he is going out with someone else but I’m so jealous as I wish it was me and that I could do something about it but I’m not like that and would not split them up.

I do know what you mean but try to carry on and find someone else as there maybe someone more sexy that you have not found yet.

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