about friends/school too...

my friends…wht can I say about themm other than that they suck.. they only talk to me o get to my twin brother[which I think they think hes hot] blah!! its my brother. like WTFF. I get yeah I mean he can be good looking and people& my frinds can like him or go out wtih him, but the USE me to get to him. so its like theyr not een friends with me. + they hate me because this girl made up a whole buncha shyt about my friend. and now my friend and that bittchhh arent talking/arent friends anymore. and they hate me becuase im friends with her. like hopp off my back shes nicer and a better friend and I’ve known her longer than some of ther other people that are supposeably my friends

so anyway, I feel like theyr trying to turn my OWN BROTHER agenst mee!! its freaking retarted. ike hello, hes my BROTHER!! and like I try to talk to my brother and when hes talkin to them, he gets mad at me. and like yells at me. but when hes with them hes all cool yea I get, im his sis, don’t realyl hang out much with her, but still have some respect. AND…its high school. freshman here! dont know many people except for my grade and liek they don’t bother talkin to me. so what should I do. I have ike 2 true friends and 1 doent even go to my schoool.. THIS IS URGENT* FOR ME..PLEASEEE HELP! I dont know what to do anymorree.

Answer #1

those rnt really friends. if they really are your friends walk up to them and tell em all this crap better stop. dont let thiem use u. refuse to be used. if they are really your friends then they will understand what you have to say. if not then theirs no point trying to stay with them

Answer #2

If they: - don’t look after your best interests - do or say things to intentionally to hurt you, use you, etc - They are NOT your friends - ignore them and only keep true friends in your life…Take care !!

Answer #3

never trust anyone you only have yourself you’re a freshman in highschool and you’ll probably get stabbed in the back by everyone you meet in school. remember they’re not your friends they are acquaintances. the only thing to look at for hope on human relationship with is your blood. your family (even though you may fight) will be the ones that will do anything for you. I have 3 incredibly close friends whom I love to death but I wouldnt trust them with my life. you have a lot to look forwad to in life and your friends will come and go for a long time.

Answer #4

then there not your friends luv. find people who luv you for u! :]]

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