do I go out with him or not?help!

o.k. well my best friend told me day that he think its going to be really good for me if I go out with someone so I said ok… and he told me that him and this guy I know likes me and its going to be good for him too if we go out but… I dont really know if I want to go out with him this like I like a guy in one of my class and he knows I like him and something like that so I dont know if I do want to go out with him… I need help what do you thing I need to do???

Answer #1

Make it four or five that go out and have a fun time. There is no better way than to have all of them as accountability pals. Then go home, alone…unless one is a brother or sister!

Answer #2

I think that you shouldn’t go out with your best friend. Because if you do go out with him and something happens, like you break up or get in a fight, you guys may not even be friends anymore. And just imagine how awkward it would be to go out with your best I have been in the same situation, and trust me you do not want to go out with your best friend.

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